Assistant Director, Or Initiative (Chapman University) (1)
We are hiring an Assistant Director of the newly formed Or Initiative, which I will be leading at Chapman University.
The Or Initiative is being designed as a distinct alternative to the ways young people have been (dis)engaging from each other around the Israel-Palestinian conflict, rising U.S. antisemitism, and other politically polarizing issues. Driven by communication science, we have two main priorities:
(1) Develop and refine semester-long curricula and educator training for middle school, high school, and undergraduate students. Our goal: to build young people’s capabilities for civil discourse in a digital information environment that does little to encourage historical context, nuance, or empathy.
(2) Establish the Or Initiative as a trusted convener of diverse stakeholders, working toward evidence-based approaches to help young people generate the knowledge they need to have effective interactions with peers around difficult, complex topics.
More details in this posting:
Candidates should be located in Orange County or willing to relocate for this hybrid position; five years of funding is secured for this position as a start, so this is not a short-term hire. Anyone with Qs can email me at