Martin Luther King, Jr. Professor of Religion and Black Studies, Boston University School of Theology

BOSTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY invites applications for the Martin Luther King, Jr., Professor of Religion and Black Studies, a full-time, tenured faculty position at the rank of Full Professor, to begin in Fall 2024. The Professorship honors Dr. King by modeling the moral authority, prophetic vision of justice, peace, and love, ethical leadership, and global consciousness that he advocated for and embodied. The successful candidate will be an outstanding scholar, holding a PhD, ThD, or appropriate equivalent degree, whose research and teaching contribute to the School of Theology, Boston University, and the Academy in the work of religion and Black studies and to models and practices of ethical leadership.

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Postdoctoral Fellow Position

The Center for the Study of Religion and American Culture at IUPUI invites applications for a full-time Postdoctoral Fellow research position. The appointment is for one year with an option for renewal, which is preferred. The target start date is January 1, 2024.

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Assistant Director, Institute on Culture, Religion, and Global Affairs (CURA), Boston University

Boston University's Institute on Culture, Religion, and World Affairs (CURA) is an interdisciplinary research center that encourages and supports research on the role of religion in public affairs. Supported by a substantial endowment and grants from various foundations, CURA has sponsored research projects on five continents, leading to the publication of over 150 books and many more articles.

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Tenure Track Faculty Position in the Sociology Department at the University of Memphis

The Sociology Department at the University of Memphis invites applications for a tenure track faculty position to be filled at the Assistant Professor rank beginning in Fall 2024. Applicants must have completed a Ph.D. in Sociology or a related field no later than August 2024. Area of specialization is open, although we seek a scholar who can teach core classes in sociological theory. Preference will be given to a scholar who will be active in the pursuit of grant funding. The Center for Community Research and Evaluation, an on-campus Center that is externally funded and connected with the Sociology Department, provides opportunities for collaboration on externally funded work.

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Assistant Professor of Religion and Science

The Department of Religion at Rice University invites applications for an Assistant Professor (TT) in the area of Science and Religion. “Science” in this sense is broadly understood to include a variety of disciplinary and methodological domains, such as the Philosophy of Science and Religion, the History of Science and Religion, Cognitive Science and Religion, Neuroscience and Religion, Religion and Environmental Science, and Religion and the Medical Humanities. Priority will be given to applicants whose work gives significant attention to questions of race, gender, or sexuality. Focuses on geographic area and religious tradition(s) are open, though applicants should be prepared to teach courses that reflect cultural and social diversity as well as methods in the study of religion. Excellence in teaching and research is expected. Rice is committed to diversity and inclusion, and women and historically underrepresented minority candidates are especially encouraged to apply.

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Rice University’s Boniuk Institute for the Study and Advancement of Religious Tolerance is seeking a postdoctoral associate with a PhD in social sciences to begin on August 1, 2024

The postdoc will report to the Associate Director of Research and the Director of the Institute, working closely with the Associate Director of Research on the following responsibilities: 1) Quantitative and/or qualitative analysis of in-house national data collections leading to collaborative publications analyzing religious discrimination, victimization, and diversity in the workplace and society more generally, 2) assisting with implementing grant-funded research such as qualitative interviews, GIS mapping, and/or survey design, and 3) assisting with the development of grant proposals for new data collections on religious diversity, conflict, and victimization.

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Graduate Student Internships, Demography of Religion

This is an opportunity for approximately eight weeks during the summer of 2024. Social science graduate students with an interest in religion, demography and/or international research are strongly encouraged to apply. You will assist demography of religion team members on research related to the religious composition and demographic characteristics of religious groups in every nation for 2010 and 2020 (updating earlier work, such as

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Lecturer or Senior Lecturer in Religion

Religion has been taught at Otago for over fifty years. From 2019, Religion has been an independent programme within the School of Social Sciences. Currently, there are three full-time academic staff, and two part-time staff members who contribute to the teaching programme. Our programme offers BA and BA (Hons) degrees in Religious Studies, as well as research degrees (MA and PhD). Minors in Religious Studies and in Buddhist Studies may be included in almost any degree, and one-year diplomas endorsed in Religious Studies are offered for graduates in other disciplines. Students may study on campus or by distance. The role/Te mahi The Religion Programme at the University of Otago invites applications for the position of Lecturer or Senior Lecturer in Religion.

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