A New Book Reception will be held at the SSSR+RRA 2024 Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA on Friday, October 18, 2024 from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the book exhibit hall.

Authors will get a cocktail table, where you can display your book, distribute order forms, and answer questions. Refreshments will be served in the exhibit hall during the reception, which is by far the busiest time at the book exhibit.

If you'd like to have your book included in the New Book Reception, please contact the SHA Office at office@sssreligion.org. The fee for a table is $125 if your press is paying, and $50 if you are paying out of your own pocket. The fees will be used to offset food and beverage costs for the reception.

Many of our members publish new books every year. The New Book Reception is an opportunity to showcase this new work. We look forward to seeing you there!

If you would like to exhibit at the SSSR+RRA 2024 Annual Meeting or participate in the New Books Reception, download the Exhibitor Prospectus here.