International Sociological Association Forum of Sociology, 6 – 11th July 2025, Rabat, Morocco

My graduate research assistant Josh Warren and I have put together this session coming out of our current research which I thought might be interesting and relevant for some:

Session Title: Religion and the Culture Wars: Transnational Perspectives

"Since sociologist of religion James Davison Hunter published the first academic account of the culture wars in America in 1991, the phenomenon has seemingly only intensified, with religion enduring as a key factor. Some US-based research argues that the divisions exist more in the civil sphere than individual attitudes. Yet, some similar patterns of conflict between “conservatives” and “liberals” on moral and social issues have also emerged in other societies in the twenty-first century. To what extent is the culture wars a useful frame beyond (and within) America? Are there direct connections between contexts? What role does religion play in differing contexts and transnational connections contributing to culture wars? This panel aims to explore these dynamics."

Session Organizers:
Rebecca CATTO, Kent State University, USA,
Joshua WARREN, Kent State University, USA,

Please email me if you have any questions and do consider submitting an abstract for our session (deadline 15th October):

You can find more information about the Forum and how to submit an abstract here: