Nominations Invited for the 2026 Boniuk Institute Senior Scholar (1)

Nominations are invited for the 2026 Boniuk Institute Senior Scholar. The Boniuk Institute for the Study and Advancement of Religious Tolerance’s Senior Scholar Award is given annually to the senior scholar who has made outstanding contributions to the public understanding of religious pluralism and tolerance, and who most exemplifies Boniuk Institute’s mission to understand the conditions which lead to religious pluralism, conflict, and violence, and help people apply its findings in their lives and communities.

The Senior Scholar will join the Boniuk Institute at Rice University in the Spring of 2026 for about three days, where they will participate in a variety of Institute programs, including the official award ceremony event. At this event, the scholar will be presented with an award and honorarium and then deliver a public lecture for the campus and local community.

View the 2025 Boniuk Institute Senior Scholar.

“Senior scholar” would apply to faculty in academia as well as public scholars outside the academy with demonstrated and committed engagement to furthering the public understanding of religious tolerance, institution building, and civic engagement. If a faculty member, person should be 15 years or more from PhD. If a public scholar, person should be ten years or more in the field.

Nomination Instructions:
Nominators are requested to send a letter of nomination by May 20, 2025 describing how the nominee meets the award criteria (no more than 1000 words) to Hayley Hemstreet, Assistant Director of Operations, at

Once the nomination is received, Boniuk Institute staff will reach out to the nominee to request a curriculum vitae and a professional statement outlining their contributions to the public understanding of religious pluralism and tolerance. Once nominated, scholars will be considered for up to two years.

Selection Process:
Nominations are compiled by Boniuk Institute staff and discussed by the Faculty Advisory Board. A vote of the Faculty Advisory Board, followed by a ratification by the External Advisory Board, determines the winner.