Submit Paper Abstract

Presenter/Author Information

Since the annual meeting is a partnership between SSSR and RRA, please indicate the organization to which you are submitting your proposal. The SSSR is an interdisciplinary academic association that stimulates, promotes, and communicates social scientific research about religious institutions and experiences. The RRA cultivates the intersection of applied and academic social science research on religion. It is focused on applied research in service of religious congregations, organizations, and individuals.
This is my first time presenting a paper at at a SSSR+RRA annual meeting.
I am an international scholar.

Paper Information

PleaseĀ do notĀ enter your title in all capital letters.


Please select or create keywords for your paper. Select keywords from the dropdown menu. If no appropriate keywords appear in the list, create your own by selecting the keyword field and typing your own.

Co-Author 1

Co-Author 2


Is there anything else we should know as we consider your proposal?