View or download a PDF version of the SSSR+RRA 2019 annual meeting program or scroll down for the meeting schedule. 

Thursday, October 17, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Registration - Thursday- Registration
Room: Rotunda Foyer
Friday, October 18, 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
Breakfast- International Scholars Meet and Greet
Room: Butler West
Friday, October 18, 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM
RRA Business Meeting- Meeting
Room: Cambria East
Friday, October 18, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Coffee- Morning Coffee, sponsored by RRA
Room: Rotunda Foyer
Friday, October 18, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Registration - Friday- Registration
Room: Rotunda Foyer
Friday, October 18, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Paper Session A-1 (RRA) Religious Leaders' Track - Talking about Race in Congregations
Room: Westmoreland East
Organizer: Brenton Kalinowski, Rice University (bkalinowski@rice.edu)
Convener: Elaine H. Ecklund, Rice University (ehe@rice.edu)
How Chinese American Christians Use Religion to Frame Racial Injustice: From #BlackLivesMatter to #StopAsianHate
Bianca Mabute-Louie, Rice University (bml@rice.edu)
How Does it Feel to Be a Commodity: How Pastors of Color Experience Church Diversity Initiatives
Oneya Fennell Okuwobi, University of Cincinnati (okuwobof@ucmail.uc.edu)
Black Bodies, Black Faith, Science, Medicine and Gods (Dis)Pleasure
Nichole R. Phillips, Emory University (nichole.r.phillips@emory.edu)
Pictures of Multiracial Congregations
Edwin Aponte, Drew University (eaponte@drew.edu)
Paper Session A-2 (SSSR) Congregations
Room: Fayette
Convener: Rebecca S.K. Li, The College of New Jersey (lirebecc@tcnj.edu)
The impact of the pandemic on parishes in Germany
Regina Frey, University of Munich (regina.frey@me.com)
Involvement of Church Leaders and Members in Internal Conflicts: Exploratory Reflections on the Developing Trends in Malawian Christian Churches
Joyce Mlenga, Mzuzu University (jmlenga@yahoo.co.uk)
Are American Zen Communities Emulating Their Headquarter Center?
Rebecca S.K. Li, The College of New Jersey (lirebecc@tcnj.edu)
Deinstitutionalization of Religion – Negotiating the New Role of the Catholic Church in German Society
Miriam Zimmer, University of Bochum (miriam.zimmer@rub.de)
Paper Session A-3 (SSSR) Faith and Work
Room: Armstrong
Convener: Wali Rahman, Sarhad University Of Science and Information Technology (wali.ba@suit.edu.pk)
Negative affectivity and workplace deviance: The moderating role of Islamic personal religiosity
Wali Rahman, Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology Peshawar (wali.ba@suit.edu.pk)
Co-Author: Nasib Dar, Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology Peshawar
Wage Inequality, Religion, and the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Effect of Race and Gender
Donka Brodersen, The College of New Jersey (mirtchev@tcnj.edu)
Co-Author: Sedefka Beck, Valparaiso University
Hierarchy and Harm: Power Dynamics in the Workplace Harassment of Women in Ministry
Elizabeth Johnson, Duke University (eaj12@duke.edu)
Paper Session A-4 (SSSR) The Lasting Effects of COVID-19
Room: Cambria East
Convener: Mathieu Colin, University of Montreal (mathieu.colin@umontreal.ca)
Surviving The Pandemic: Religions and Covid-19 in Canada
Mathieu Colin, University of Montreal (mathieu.colin@umontreal.ca)
Co-Author: ,
Trends and Dynamics of Televangelism in 21st century Nigeria: An appraisal of selected online preachers
Uchechi Herbert Nwobia, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu - Nigeria (u.h.nwobia@gmail.com)
Prophetic Discourse During the Covid Era: Misinformation, Extremism, and Conspiracism in Popular YouTube Videos
Richard Rogers, Youngstown State University (rlrogers02@ysu.edu)
Paper Session A-6 (SSSR) Religion and Spirituality in Latin America 1
Room: Somerset East
Organizer: Chris Chiappari, St. Olaf College (chiappar@stolaf.edu)
Authorized by the Spirit: intersections of Pentecostalism and LGBTQ Affirming Communities
Claudia Alvarez, Princeton Theological Seminary (claudia.alvarez@ptsem.edu)
The role of social media and neo-Pentecostal and Pentecostal churches in the 2023 Guatemalan elections
Claudia Dary, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (claudia_dary@yahoo.com)
Comparing Evangelical and Latter-day Saint Membership Growth in Honduras, 1960-2019
Henri Gooren, Oakland University (gooren@oakland.edu)
Abuse in the Latin American Church. An Evolving Crisis at the Core of Catholicism
Véronique Lecaros, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (vgauthier@pucp.pe)
Paper Session A-7 (SSSR) Measuring Religion and Religiosity
Room: Cambria West
Convener: Fenggang Yang, Purdue University (fyang@purdue.edu)
Measuring Religiosity in the Global East: Preliminary Findings of Three New Surveys
Fenggang Yang, Purdue University (fyang@purdue.edu)
Religiosity in the World’s Largest Country: Religious Dimensions in a Diverse India
Ajay Verghese, Middlebury College (averghese@middlebury.edu)
Co-Author 1: Samuel Stroope, LSU
Co-Author 2: Ruiqian Li, Purdue University
Does It Make Sense to Label Mainline Disaffiliates as “Evangelical”?
Carrie Miles, ISR, Baylor University; Empower International (carriem@fastmail.com)
Paper Session A-8 (SSSR) Polarization and Secularization
Room: Crawford West
Convener: Siobahn McAndrew, University of Sheffield (s.mcandrew@sheffield.ac.uk)
Unholy Alliance: Why Minority Religious Leaders Align with Authoritarian Governments?
Kenny Miao, University of Texas at Austin (kenny.miao@utexas.edu)
Between tradition and modernity: Navigating religious identities among Muslim and Druze young adults in Israel
Sawsan Kheir, University of Haifa; Åbo Akademi University (khsawsan@gmail.com)
Can We Talk About Growing Religious Polarization In European Countries?
Riccardo Ladini, University of Milan (riccardo.ladini@unimi.it)
Co-Author 1: Francesco Molteni, University of Milan
Co-Author 2: Ferruccio Biolcati, University of Milan
Secularization in Ireland: Cohort effects all the way down?
Siobhan McAndrew, University of Sheffield (s.mcandrew@sheffield.ac.uk)
Co-Author: ,
Paper Session A-9 (SSSR+RRA) Religious Fields and Law
Room: Butler East
Convener: Eugene Clay, Arizona State University (clay@asu.edu)
The Lived Experience of Freedom of Religion and Belief in the United Kingdom
Mátyás Bódi, Regent's Park College, University of Oxford (matyas.bodi@regents.ox.ac.uk)
Co-Author: ,
The Relative Autonomy of Religious Law: Toward a Theory of its Dynamic Role as a Structural Factor in Religious Change
Gilad Cohen Kovacs, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel (gilad.cohen1@mail.huji.ac.il)
A Well-Regulated Spiritual Economy: Religious Organizations Registered in the Russian Ministry of Justice
Eugene Clay, Arizona State University (clay@asu.edu)
‘By the Power Vested in Me’… Investigating the Collision and Concord of Law & Religion in the move toward Coercive Control in Family Law
Yael Machtinger, Rackman Center for the Advancement of Women's Status, Bar Ilan Law School (yaelmachtingerphd@gmail.com)
Paper Session A-10 (SSSR) Religion and US foreign policy: How and when does it matter?
Room: Crawford East
Organizer/Convener: Peter Henne, University of Vermont (peter.henne@uvm.edu)
A Holy Hand Grenade? Religious Appeals in Power Politics
Peter Henne, University of Vermont (peter.henne@uvm.edu)
Blessing America First: Religion, Populism, and Foreign Policy in the Trump Administration
David Buckley, University of Louisville (david.buckley@louisville.edu)
Political Polarization, Religious Difference, and US Foreign Policy and Advocacy on Behalf of Christians in the Middle East
Miray Philips, University of Toronto (miray.philips@utoronto.ca)
Paper Session A-11 (SSSR) Religion & Society Group at West Virginia University
Room: Lawrence
Organizer: Katie Corcoran, West Virginia University (kecorcoran@mail.wvu.edu)
Vaccination decisions in a closed religious community
Rachel Stein, West Virginia University (rachel.stein@mail.wvu.edu)
Co-Author 1: Katie Corcoran, West Virginia University
Co-Author 2: Corey Colyer, West Virginia University
Identifying with Multiple World Religions: Patterns and Predictors
Christopher Scheitle, West Virginia University (cpscheitle@mail.wvu.edu)
Co-Author 1: Katie Corcoran, West Virginia University
Co-Author 2: Taylor Remsburg, West Virginia University
Networking the Flock: Congregational Ties and Community in a Large Amish Settlement.
Corey Colyer, West Virginia University (corey.colyer@mail.wvu.edu)
Co-Author 1: Rachel Stein, West Virginia University
Co-Author 2: Katie Corcoran, West Virginia University
Liminal Nones: Characteristics of Those Who Identify with Religious and Nonreligious Identities
Taylor Remsburg, West Virginia University (ter0011@mix.wvu.edu)
Co-Author 1: Christopher Scheitle, West Virginia
Co-Author 2: Katie Corcoran, West Virginia University
Paper Session A-12 (SSSR) The Continuing Relevance of Megachurches
Room: Westmoreland Central
Organizer/Convener: Mark Mulder, Calvin University (mmulder@calvin.edu)
“The Church Must Grow or Perish”: Megachurches and the Unrelenting Imperative of Church Growth
Mark Mulder, Calvin University (mmulder@calvin.edu)
Co-Author: Gerardo Marti, Davidson College
“Are You Part of the Family?”: Us Versus Them in an Evangelical Megachurch
Jennifer McKinney, Seattle Pacific University (mckinj@spu.edu)
Megachurches are a Moving Target: Accounting for the Dynamic Nature of the Nation’s Largest Churches
Scott Thumma, Hartford Institute for Religion Research (sthumma@hartfordinternational.edu)
Can Megachurches with Thousands of Online Viewers Convert Them to In-Person Attenders?
Warren Bird, ECFA (warren@ecfa.org)
Paper Session A-13 (SSSR) Women, Power, and Social Change
Room: Washington
Convener: Jualynne Dodson, Michigan State University (dodsonj2@msu.edu)
African Methodism: Claiming Women’s Paradigmatic Power Participation in U.S. African descendants’ First Social Movement
Jualynne Dodson, Michigan State University (dodsonj2@msu.edu)
Exploring The Spiritual, Ecological And Social Divides Among Catholic Women Faith-Based Practitioners In Asia
Theresa Symons, Monash University Malaysia (theresa.symons@monash.edu)
Don’t Ask Me: Evangelical Women and their Unwillingness to Answer Certain Survey Questions
Hannah Boler, Berry College (bolerhannah@gmail.com)
Co-Author: Dr. Abigail Vegter, Berry College
Evangelical Feminism - What's Changed in 50 Years?
Amy Reynolds, Wheaton College (amy.reynolds@wheaton.edu)
Paper Session A-14 (RRA) Advances in the Demography of Religion 1
Room: Westermoreland West
Organizer/Convener: Cory Anderson, Pennsylvania State University (dr@coryanderson.org)
How Does Religion Affect Fertility? An Exploration of the Mechanisms Underlying the Relationship between Religion and Fertility
Mary Shenk, Pennsylvania State University (mks74@psu.edu)
Co-Author 1: Richard Sosis, University of Connecticut
Co-Author 2: John Shaver, Baylor University
The Changing Impact of Religion on the Timing of First Births in the US: Evidence from the National Survey of Family Growth
Jeremy Uecker, Baylor University (jeremy_uecker@baylor.edu)
Co-Author: Riley Peterson, Baylor University
Fertility, Faith, and the American Community Survey
Lyman Stone, McGill University (lymanrstone@gmail.com)
Household Characteristics and Fertility Variation Across Amish Communities
Matthew Conrad, University of Connecticut (matthew.conrad@uconn.edu)
Co-Author 1: Cory Anderson, Pennsylvania State University
Co-Author 2: Richard Sosis, University of Connecticut
Paper Session A-15 (RRA) Book Panel: Making Moral Citizens: How Faith-Based Organizers use Vocation for Public Action
Room: Somerset West
Organizer/Convener: Gary Adler, Penn State University (gja13@psu.edu)
Author: Jack Delehanty, Clark University (jdelehanty@clarku.edu)
Shaonta' Allen, Darthmouth University (shaonta.allen@dartmouth.edu)
Michelle Oyakawa, Muskingum University (moyakawa@muskingum.edu)
Ruth Braunstein, University of Connecticut (ruth.braunstein@uconn.edu)
Gary Adler, Penn State University (gja13@psu.edu)
Friday, October 18, 10:40 AM - 12:10 PM
Paper Session B-1 (RRA) Religious Leaders' Track - Religion, Mental Health, and Burnout
Room: Westmoreland East
Organizer/Convener: Brenton Kalinowski, Rice University (bkalinowski@rice.edu)
Clergy Burnout: The Challenges and Successes of Following One’s Calling Outside of Professional Religious Ministry
Todd Ferguson, Rice University (tf28@rice.edu)
National Survey Data Explains How Religion and Science Beliefs Affect Attitudes Towards Mental Health
Andrea Henderson, University of South Carolina (akhender@mailbox.sc.edu)
Co-Author: Elaine H. Ecklund, Rice University
How Religious Leaders Use Religion and Science in Mental Health Care
Elaine H. Ecklund, Rice University (ehe@rice.edu)
Co-Author: Andrea Henderson, University of South Carolina
Religious Understandings of Mental Health among Evangelical Christians: Causes and Sources of Support
Brenton Kalinowski, Rice University (bkalinowski@rice.edu)
Paper Session B-2 (SSSR) “If it talks like an atheist:” A critical re-evaluation of psychology’s views on secularism
Room: Cambria West
Organizer: Robert Arrowood, The University of Virginia's College at Wise (ekr4fn@uvawise.edu)
Understanding and measuring the new secular identity
Christopher Silver, Sewanee: The University Of The South (chsilver@sewanee.edu)
Co-Author 1: William Andrews, The University of Tennessee Chattanooga
Co-Author 2: Kyle Messick, University of South Carolina, Beaufort
Meaning in the six: Investigating meaning in life amongst the six types of atheist and agnostics
Trevor Morris, Rutgers University (tmm354@scarletmail.rutgers.edu)
Co-Author: Haley Caviness, The University of Virginia's College at Wise
Foxhole atheism re- re-visited: Examining existential fear through the lens of individual differences in atheism.
Robert Arrowood, The University of Virginia's College at Wise (ekr4fn@uvawise.edu)
Co-Author 1: Rachel Perez, The University of Virginia's College at Wise
Co-Author 2: Trevor Morris, The University of Virginia's College at Wise
Co-Author 3: Gracie Johnson, The University of Virginia's College at Wise
Paper Session B-3 (SSSR) Advances in the scientific study of divine forgiveness
Room: Cambria East
Organizer/Convener: Frank Fincham, Florida State University (ffincham@fsu.edu)
Contextual Factors, Mechanisms, and Outcomes of Divine Forgiveness: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Investigation
Joseph Currier, University of South Alabama (jcurrier@southalabama.edu)
Co-Author 1: Edward Davis, Wheaton College
Co-Author 2: Ryon McDermott, University of South Alabama
Aspects of Violating One's Own Moral Code Predict Seeking Divine Forgiveness
Crystal Park, University of Connecticut (crystal.park@uconn.edu)
Co-Author 1: Zachary Magin, University of Connecticut
Co-Author 2: Joshua Wilt, Case Western University
Does viewing God as intervening in human affairs account for the association between God image and divine forgiveness?
Frank Fincham, Florida State University (ffincham@fsu.edu)
Co-Author: Heather Maranges, Florida State University
Divine forgiveness perceptions among Spanish-Speaking Catholics: Quantitative and qualitative insights
Carmen Callizo, Universidad de Navarra, Spain (mcalatrava@unav.es)
Co-Author 1: Martiño Rodríguez-González, Universidad de Navarra, Spain
Co-Author 2: María Calatrava Calatrava, Universidad de Navarra, Spain
Paper Session B-4 (SSSR) Religious Tolerance
Room: Butler West
Convener: Katheryn Kelley, Taylor University (katie_kelley1@taylor.edu)
Local Religious Heterogeneity and Outgroup Tolerance in Lebanon
Kallan Larsen, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (kallanml@unc.edu)
When the ‘Savior’ Turns the Oppressor: A Discourse on Religion and (In)Justice in the Changing World
Ojo Rapheal, Federal University Lokoja (ojo.rapheal@fulokoja.edu.ng)
Co-Author: Oluwasefunmi Lydia Adedara, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Integrative Religious Thinking in a Polarized World: Religious Tolerance and Cognitive Flexibility
Katheryn Kelley, Taylor University (katie_kelley1@taylor.edu)
Co-Author 1: Emily Kornelson, Taylor University
Co-Author 2: Gengyu Liu, Taylor University
Religious believers, nonbelievers, and tolerance: a systematic search and map of the literature.
Paul Fehrmann, Kent State University (pfehrma1@kent.edu)
Paper Session B-5 (SSSR) Religion and Spirituality in Latin America 2
Room: Somerset East
Organizer: Chris Chiappari, St. Olaf College (chiappar@stolaf.edu)
Convener: Henri Gooren, Oakland University (gooren@oakland.edu)
Catholic inculturation theology in Latin America – before and now
Jakob Thorsen, Aarhus University (teojet@cas.au.dk)
Maya spirituality and environmental consciousness: tensions and potential in a Guatemalan context
C. James MacKenzie, University of Lethbridge (james.mackenzie@uleth.ca)
Animism meets phenomenology in highland Guatemala
Chris Chiappari, St. Olaf College (chiappar@stolaf.edu)
Paper Session B-6 (SSSR) Liberalizing Sexuality
Room: Butler East
Convener: Kaitlyn Phillips, Campbellsville University (kmphil952@students.campbellsville.edu)
“When They Get Quiet, They Come See Me”: How Conservative Church Leaders Navigate Controversial Issues in Administrative, Pastoral, and Homiletic Practice
Kaitlyn Phillips, Campbellsville University (kmphil952@students.campbellsville.edu)
Co-Author: Jonathan May, Campbellsville University
American Muslim Attitudes Towards Homosexuality: Explaining Variation and Change
Eman Abdelhadi, University of Chicago (abdelhadi@uchicago.edu)
Co-Author: ,
Hetero Ignorance in Welcoming & Affirming Congregations: An Investigation of Heterosexism in Inclusive Organizations
Katie Lauve-Moon, Texas Christian University (katie.lauve@tcu.edu)
Co-Author: Tim Lauve-Moon, Texas Christian University
Paper Session B-7 (SSSR) Finding Religion in Non-Religion
Room: Fayette
Convener: Jonathan Evans, Pew Research Center (jevans@pewresearch.org)
Secular American Muslims
Besheer Mohamed, Pew Research Center (bmohamed@pewresearch.org)
Religion and Spirituality in East Asian Societies
Jonathan Evans, Pew Research Center (jevans@pewresearch.org)
Spiritual Identity, Beliefs, and Practices of the Non-Religious: A Cross-Generational Perspective
Merril Silverstein, Syracuse University (merrils@syr.edu)
Co-Author 1: Woosang Hwang, Texas Tech University
Co-Author 2: Joseph Blankholm, University of California at Santa Barbara
Paper Session B-8 (SSSR) Religious Education
Room: Crawford East
Convener: Anna Strhan, University of York (anna.strhan@york.ac.uk)
Shifting Contours of Religion, Citizenship and Education in Contemporary Britain
Anna Strhan, University of York (anna.strhan@york.ac.uk)
Co-Author 1: Joanna Malone, University of York
Co-Author 2: Peter Hemming, University of Surrey
What is a Christian School? Past and Present Perspectives from Protestant K-12 Schools in Mississippi
Kayla Kemp, Penn State University (kmk6713@psu.edu)
Framing religious alterity in Catholic Religious Education in contemporary Italy
Maria Lucenti, University of Hamburg (maria.lucenti@uni-hamburg.de)
Co-Author: Guillaume Silhol, Aix-Marseille University
Paper Session B-9 (SSSR+RRA) Quantifying Religious Persecution: Epistemic Challenges
Room: Crawford West
Organizer/Convener: Miray Philips, University of Toronto (miray.philips@utoronto.ca)
What does Pew Research Center’s data on religious restrictions tell us about religious freedom globally?
Samirah Majumdar, Pew Research Center (smajumdar@pewresearch.org)
Measuring Martyrdom: Motivations, Mass Killings, and Genocides
Gina Zurlo, Harvard Divinity School (gzurlo@hds.harvard.edu)
How distinct (and real) is Christian persecution?
Peter Henne, University of Vermont (peter.henne@uvm.edu)
What’s in a Number?: Or, What Global Religious Freedom Datasets Can’t Tell Us
Jason Klocek, University of Nottingham (jason.klocek@nottingham.ac.uk)
Paper Session B-10 (SSSR) Transcending Racism and Nationalism? Latter-day Saint Past, Present, and Future
Room: Armstrong
Organizer/Convener: Thomas Murphy, Edmonds College (thomaswmurphy90@gmail.com)
White is an Ite: Mormon’s Misappropriation of the Haudenosaunee Great Peace
Thomas Murphy, Edmonds College (thomaswmurphy90@gmail.com)
A Transcendent Religion? Analyzing Local LDS Worship Services in the United States
Spencer Dean Stewart, Purdue University (stewa443@purdue.edu)
Trends and Boundaries in Mormon Twitter's Reactionary #DezNat Hashtag
Spencer Greenhalgh, University of Kentucky (spencer.greenhalgh@uky.edu)
Co-Author: Amy Chapman, Arizona State University
Danger and Disaffiliation, Political Extremism, and Depression: A Mormon Example
Carrie Miles, Baylor University; Empower International (carriem@fastmail.com)
Paper Session B-11 (SSSR) Mapping the Religious Landscapes of East Asia: China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan
Room: Westmoreland Central
Organizer/Convener: Fenggang Yang, Purdue University (fyang@purdue.edu)
Mapping the Religious landscapes: from China to the Global East
Fenggang Yang, Purdue University (fyang@purdue.edu)
OSAGE-Japan: The Extraordinary High Density of Shrines, Temples, and New Religions
Natsuko Godo, Purdue University (ngodo@purdue.edu)
OSAGE-South Korea: Shamans and Temples under the Shadow of Christian Churches
Jungsun Kim, Purdue University (kim929@purdue.edu)
OSAGE-Taiwan: Religious Diversity and Politics in a New Democracy
Charles Chang, Duke-Kunshan University (charles.c.chang@dukekunshan.edu.cn)
Paper Session B-12 (SSSR) Patterns in Congregational Closures and Transformations
Room: Washington
Organizer/Convener: Wendy Cadge, Bryn Mawr College (wcadge@brynmawr.edu)
An Enduring Legacy: A Study of UCC Church Closures (2020-2022)
Taylor Russell, UCC Church Building & Loan Fund (russellt@ucc.org)
Co-Author: David Schoen, Minister for Church Legacy and Closure, CB&LF
Race, Community, and Process: Black Catholics' Experience of Catholic Spaces
Tia Noelle Pratt, Villanova University (tia.pratt@villanova.edu)
Studying Congregations’ Persistence, Repurpose, & Death: Results from a 20-Year Analysis in Chicago
Kraig Beyerlein, University of Notre Dame (kbeyerl1@nd.edu)
Co-Author 1: Ricardo Martinez-Schuldt, Rutgers University
Co-Author 2: Madeline Johnson, University of Notre Dame
Co-Author 3: Peter Ryan, University of Notre Dame
The Fate of Congregations in the Suburbs: Patterns in Closed Congregations and Their Buildings in DuPage County, Illinois
Brian J. Miller, Wheaton College (brian.miller@wheaton.edu)
Katie Day, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia (kday@uls.edu)
Paper Session B-13 (RRA) Advances in the Demography of Religion 2
Room: Westermoreland West
Organizer/Convener: Mary Shenk, Pennsylvania State University (mks74@psu.edu)
More in the World, More of the World? The Association of Amish Household Fertility Levels with Exposure to Secularizing Community Influences
Cory Anderson, Pennsylvania State University (dr@coryanderson.org)
Co-Author 1: Anna Shetler, Pennsylvania State University
Co-Author 2: Shuai Zhou, Cornell University
Orthodox Jewish fertility rates and their implications for the character of Jewish America
Edieal Pinker, Yale University (edieal.pinker@yale.edu)
Religious involvement is associated with higher fertility and lower maternal investment, but more alloparental support among Gambian mothers
John Shaver, Baylor University (john.shaver@otago.ac.nz)
Co-Author 1: Radim Chvaja, European Research University
Co-Author 2: Laure Spake, Binghamton University
Paper Session B-14 (RRA) Religion, Law, and Politics: Responses to Social Change
Room: Lawrence
Convener: John San Nicolas, University of New Mexico (jtsannicolas671@unm.edu)
Give Unto Caesar: The Politics of American Megachurch Sermon Series Given 2020-2024
John San Nicolas, University of New Mexico (jtsannicolas671@unm.edu)
Deification of the Ancestors And Its Impact On Patriotism In National Development. A Case Study of Indigenous Esan People Of Edo State, Nigeria.
Ogbeni Sylvester, University of Ibadan (christysylvester2018@gmail.com)
Co-Author: ,
Religious legalism as coping amidst chaos
Duane McBride, Andrews University (mcbride@andrews.edu)
Co-Author 1: Karl Bailey, Andrews University
Co-Author 2: Alina Baltazar, Andrews University
Changing Needs of Middle Judicatory Personnel
Jeff Woods, American Baptist Churches USA (jeff.woods@abc-usa.org)
Paper Session B-15 (RRA) Book Panel: Guiding God's Marriage: Faith and Social Change in Premarital Counseling
Room: Somerset West
Organizer/Convener: Orit Avishai, Fordham University (avishai@fordham.edu)
Author: Courtney Ann Irby, Illinois Wesleyan University (cirby@iwu.edu)
Kelsy Burke, University of Nebraska, Lincoln (kburke@unl.edu)
Erin Johnston, Duke University (erin.johnston035@duke.edu)
Dan Winchester, Purdue University (dwinches@purdue.edu)
Jack Delehanty, Clark University (jdelehanty@clarku.edu)
Friday, October 18, 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Meeting:- Review of Religious Research Editorial Board Meeting
Room: Butler West
Friday, October 18, 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Meeting:- Mormon Social Sciences Association Business Meeting
Room: Butler East
Friday, October 18, 12:45 PM - 1:05 PM
Meet-Up- Multidisciplinary Scholars of Race and Religion Meet-Up
Room: Armstrong
Friday, October 18, 1:10 PM - 2:40 PM
Paper Session C-1 (RRA) Religion and Education: Identities and Outcomes
Room: Butler East
Convener: Aimee Leukert, La Sierra University (aleukert@lasierra.edu)
Vocational Training Centers in Tanzania and Uganda: Monastic Religious Institutes Contribute to their Country’s Economic Development.
Paul Kasun, Universidad del Rosario (frpaul@utexas.edu)
The Religious and Cultural Identities of Faculty at a Faith-Based University
Aimee Leukert, La Sierra University (aleukert@lasierra.edu)
The Role of Religion in Academia: Antagonistic or Partners in Search for Knowledge
Adan Jarso Golole, Mount Kenya University (jarsoadan19@gmail.com)
Co-Author: ,
Paper Session C-2 (RRA) Building Relationships and Thriving Religious Congregations
Room: Westermoreland West
Convener: Jennifer McClure Haraway, Samford University (jmcclure@samford.edu)
Why Jesus's Social Network Matters for Christian Congregations
Jennifer McClure Haraway, Samford University (jmcclure@samford.edu)
Ritual for thriving: How the Cognitive Science of Religion can benefit congregations
Laird Edman, Northwestern College, Iowa (ledman@nwciowa.edu)
Supporting Women in Ministry: Evidence-Based Ways to Help Clergy Thrive
Elizabeth Johnson, Duke University (eaj12@duke.edu)
Connecting the Church: What do Relationships look like in Flourishing Congregations?
Mark Chapman, Tyndale University (mchapman@tyndale.ca)
Co-Author 1: James Watson Chapman, james.watson@wycliffe.utoronto.ca
Co-Author 2: ,
Paper Session C-3 (SSSR) Spiritual Abuse
Room: Butler West
Convener: Christopher Seto, Purdue University (setoc@purdue.edu)
Better the Devil You Know: The Effect of Sexual Misconduct Disclosure on Future Pastoral Employment
Carolina Seigler, Princeton University (cseigler@princeton.edu)
Religion, Relationships, and Risk: Examining the Influence of Christian Nationalism on Intimate Partner Violence
Christopher Seto, Purdue University (setoc@purdue.edu)
Co-Author 1: Popy Begum, Saint Louis University
Co-Author 2: Joshua Davis, University of New Hampshire
Co-Author 3: Laura Upenieks, Baylor University
Paper Session C-4 (SSSR) Leaving and Staying
Room: Cambria East
Convener: Jenna Thompson, Washington State University (jenna.thompson@wsu.edu)
No Place for Questions: An Investigation of the Social Interactions of Former Church Members
Kenneth Culton, Niagara University (kculton@niagara.edu)
The Role of Attachment in Religious (Dis)Affiliation: Clinical Implications for Social Work Practice
Jenna Thompson, Washington State University (jenna.thompson@wsu.edu)
Co-Author 1: Nicholas Evans, Idaho State University
Co-Author 2: Ines W. Jindra, Idaho State University
Initial Findings from a Comparative Study of Deconversion Processes
Ines W. Jindra, Idaho State University (ineswengerjindra@isu.edu)
Co-Author 1: Jenna Thompson, Washington State University, USA
Co-Author 2: Nicholas Evans, Idaho State University
Co-Author 3: Rebecca Malan, Idaho State University
Paper Session C-5 (SSSR) Formation and Leadership
Room: Cambria West
Convener: Leah Schade, Lexington Theological Seminary (lschade@lextheo.edu)
Examining Views on Race and Justice
Eydie Shypulski, Bethel University (eydie-shypulski@bethel.edu)
“I can’t stop doing ministry”: Adventist Female Pastors’ Experiences with Calling
Rene Drumm, Andrews University (rened@andrews.edu)
Co-Author 1: Tara Hargrove, Pacific Union College
Co-Author 2: Linda Crumley, Walla Walla University
Does Seminary Make Students More Liberal?
Josh Gaghan, Duke University (joshua.gaghan@duke.edu)
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Academy of Homiletics: Report on Teaching and Research Practices
Leah Schade, Lexington Theological Seminary (lschade@lextheo.edu)
Co-Author: Richard Voelz, Union Presbyterian Seminary
Paper Session C-6 (SSSR) Demographic Trends and Definitions
Room: Somerset East
Convener: Paul Perl, Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (pmp2@georgetown.edu)
A global study with the Faith Q-sort: some central findings
Peter Nynas, Åbo Akademi University (peter.nynas@abo.fi)
Protestants in Croatia: Insights from the congregation study on a tiny and publicly not visible minority
Sinisa Zrinscak, University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (sinisa.zrinscak@pravo.hr)
Existential Insecurity: Religious Engagement in Contemporary Nigerian Society
Jennifer Laderi, Baylor University (jennifer_laderi1@baylor.edu)
The National Congregation Study Switzerland. First results of the second wave
Jörg Stolz, University of Lausanne (joerg.stolz@unil.ch)
Co-Author 1: Senn Jeremy, University of Lausanne
Co-Author 2: Monnot Christophe, University of Strasbourg
Paper Session C-7 (SSSR) From Racial Diversity to Racial Justice in Congregations
Room: Fayette
Organizer/Convener: Kevin Dougherty, Baylor University (kevin_dougherty@baylor.edu)
Congregations and the Religion of Whiteness: Roadblock and Repair Strategies
Michael Emerson, Rice University (moe@rice.edu)
Race, Leadership, and Social Justice in the Contemporary United States
Korie Little Edwards, The Ohio State University (edwards.623@osu.edu)
Opportunities and Challenges in the Study of Asian American Religious Communities
Jerry Park, Baylor University (jerry_park@baylor.edu)
Elusive Inclusivity: Restless Antiracism within a White Progressive Denomination
Mark Mulder, Calvin University (mark.mulder@calvin.edu)
Co-Author 1: Gerardo Martí, Davidson College
Co-Author 2: Kevin Dougherty, Baylor University
Paper Session C-8 (SSSR+RRA) Environmental Consciousness
Room: Westmoreland East
Convener: Gina Zurlo, Harvard Divinity School (gzurlo@hds.harvard.edu)
Beyond Denominational Influence: Why Christian Nationalism Matters for the Climate Debate
Robin Veldman, Religious Studies, Texas A&M University (rgv@tamu.edu)
Co-Author: ,
Creating climate coalitions: a role for the church?
Anum Mustafa, MIT (anumm@mit.edu)
Exploring Islam's Environmental Consciousness: Perspectives and Potentials
Hinna Hussain, University of Ottawa (hhuss060@uottawa.ca)
Climate Crisis Discourse in World Christianity: Global Data, Methods, Issues
Gina Zurlo, Harvard Divinity School (gzurlo@hds.harvard.edu)
Co-Author 1: Han Zhao, Boston University
Co-Author 2: ,
Wildfires in the Pacific West in 2020
Cynthia Zhang, Evergreen Campus LLC (cynthiazhang7@gmail.com)
Paper Session C-9 (SSSR) Domestic and International Conerns Regarding Religious Freedom
Room: Crawford West
Organizer/Convener: Eric McDaniel, University of Texas at Austin (emcdaniel@austin.utexas.edu)
Islamaphobia and Threats to Religious Freedom
Nazita Lajevardi, Michigan State University (nazita@msu.edu)
Black Religious Liberty Curriculum
Liz Platt, Law, Rights, and Religion Project, Columbia Law School (ep2801@columbia.edu)
What do Calls for Religious Freedom Really Mean?
Eric McDaniel, University of Texas at Austin (emcdaniel@austin.utexas.edu)
Paper Session C-10 (SSSR) Should we do more to ensure that journal articles are rigorous and transparent?
Room: Westmoreland Central
Organizer: Ariela Keysar, Trinity College (akeysar@aol.com)
Convener: Conrad Hackett, Pew Research Center (chackett@pewresearch.org)
Should we do more to ensure that journal articles are rigorous and transparent?
Patricia Snell Herzog, Indiana University Indianapolis (psherzog@iu.edu)
Should we do more to ensure that journal articles are rigorous and transparent?
Wesley J. Wildman, Boston University (wwildman@bu.edu)
Should we do more to ensure that journal articles are rigorous and transparent?
Chaeyoon Lim, University of Wisconsin-Madison (chaeyoon.lim@wisc.edu)
Should we do more to ensure that journal articles are rigorous and transparent?
Landon Schnabel, Cornell University (schnabel@cornell.edu)
Paper Session C-11 (SSSR+RRA) Religion and Science
Room: Lawrence
Convener: Shiri Noy, Denison University (shirinoyphd@gmail.com)
Lived Experience of Daoist Practices: Mysticism, Science, and Embodied Spirituality
Zhuo Job Chen, University of North Carolina at Charlotte (job.chen@charlotte.edu)
Co-Author: ,
Public Perceptions of the Cultural Authority of Science and Religion
Shiri Noy, Denison University (shirinoyphd@gmail.com)
Co-Author 1: Timothy L. O'Brien, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Co-Author 2: ,
Untold Stories of Latino STEM Stratification: Race, Religious Organizations and STEM Education
Esmeralda Sánchez Salazar, The Pennsylvania State University (esmeralda.salazar@psu.edu)
Co-Author: ,
Paper Session C-12 (SSSR) Congregational Closures, Transformations and Repurposing
Room: Washington
Organizer/Convener: Wendy Cadge, Bryn Mawr College (wcadge@brynmawr.edu)
Congregational Closures: Insights from a Pilot Study in Greater Boston
Wendy Cadge, Bryn Mawr College (wcadge@brynmawr.edu)
Co-Author 1: Muna Güvenç, Brandeis University
Co-Author 2: Amy Lawton, Brandeis University
Congregations and their Buildings: Long Term Trends and New Priorities in a post-COVID Era
Allison L. Norton, Hartford International University for Religion and Peace (anorton@hartfordinternational.edu)
Co-Author: Charissa Mikoski, Hartford International University for Religion and Peace
Repurposing House and Church: Making Muslim Space
Muna Güvenç, Brandeis University (guvenc@brandeis.edu)
Paper Session C-13 (SSSR) Book Panel: Asian Pacific Catholicism and Globalization: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Challenges
Room: Somerset West
Organizer/Convener: Ruth Braunstein, University of Connecticut (ruth.braunstein@uconn.edu)
Author: José Casanova, Georgetown University (jvc26@georgetown.edu)
Co-Author: Peter C. Phan, Georgetown University
David Buckley, University of Louisville (david.buckley@louisville.edu)
Brandon Vaidyanathan, The Catholic University of America (brandonv@cua.edu)
Becky Yang Hsu, Georgetown University (bh297@georgetown.edu)
Bryan T. Froehle, Palm Beach Atlantic University (froehleb@gmail.com)
Paper Session C-14 (SSSR) Politics of Nonreligion
Room: Crawford East
Organizer/Convener: Masoumeh Sara Rahmani, Victoria University of Wellington - Te Herenga Waka (sara.rahmani@vuw.ac.nz)
The LGBT Politics of Religious Nones
Kelsy Burke, University of Nebraska - Loncoln (kburke@unl.edu)
Co-Author 1: Philip Schwadel, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Co-Author 2: Emily Kazyak, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
The Structural Limits of Secular Advocacy
Evan Stewart, University of Massachusetts - Boston (evan.stewart@umb.edu)
Science as Savior: The Politics of Secular Transhumanists
Jacqui Frost, Purdue University (jlfrost@purdue.edu)
Politics of Indigenous nonreligion
Masoumeh Sara Rahmani, Victoria University of Wellington - Te Herenga Waka (sara.rahmani@vuw.ac.nz)
Friday, October 18, 2:50 PM - 4:20 PM
Paper Session D-1 (RRA) Religious Conflict and Pathways to Pluralism and Community Engagement
Room: Westermoreland West
Convener: Brandon C. Martinez, Providence College (bmartine@providence.edu)
Building Bridges between Congregations and their Communities: A Mixed-Methods Evaluation of the Greater New Jersey Bridges Project
Brandon C. Martinez, Providence College (bmartine@providence.edu)
From Prejudice to Peril: Tracing Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes in the United States
Fadime Apaydin, University of California, Riverside (fapay002@ucr.edu)
The Possible Role of The Hungarian Catholic Church In Promoting Social Justice and Peace
Dr. Ujházi Lóránd, Pazmány Péter Catholic University and University of Public Service, (ujhazi.lorand@uni-nke.hu)
The Eclipse, Resurgence, and Future Of Egúngún Festival In Contemporary Ìwo, Òșun State, Nigeria
Busayo Ogunajo, Osun State University (boogunajo@gmail.com)
Paper Session D-2 (RRA) Challenges in Clergy Training: Limitations and Opportunities
Room: Westmoreland East
Convener: Deborah Coe, Compass Consulting and Research (debcoe@compassresearch.llc)
What Clergy Leaders Wish They Had Been Trained to Do
Deborah Coe, Compass Consulting and Research (debcoe@compassresearch.llc)
Co-Author: Hale Inanoglu, Wesley Theological Seminary
Educational Debt and Vocations to Priesthood and Religious Life
Thu Do, Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, Georgetown University (ttd9@georgetown.edu)
Still being called? A Longitudinal Study of Work Motives Among Lutheran Clergy and Theology Students in Finland
Kati Tervo-Niemela, University of Eastern Finland (kati.tervo-niemela@uef.fi)
Paper Session D-3 (SSSR) Ethics In and Out of Academia
Room: Cambria East
Organizer: Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, University of Haifa (benny@psy.haifa.ac.il)
Curiosity, Compassion, and Doubt
Ralph Hood, Jr., University of Tennessee at Chatanooga (ralph-hood@utc.edu)
Academic Apologetics: Malpractice, Incompetence or Ethical Issue
Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, University of Haifa (benny@psy.haifa.ac.il)
Progress Report on Advocacy and Collaboration in NRM Research
Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, University of Haifa (benny@psy.haifa.ac.il)
Paper Session D-4 (SSSR+RRA) Whiteness
Room: Cambria West
Convener: Tim Lauve-Moon, Texas Christian University (t.moon@tcu.edu)
Nigrescence and White Jesus: Mixed Methodological Analysis of Black American Identity and Their Perceptions of the White Jesus Phenomenon
Stephanie House-Niamke, West Virginia University (houseniamkes@mix.wvu.edu)
White Christian Institutions and Reparations
Brittany aka Smash Caine-Conley, Iliff School of Theology/University of Denver (bcaine-conley@iliff.edu)
Intersections of Ignorance: The Complex Relationship Between White Ignorance and Christian Ignorance
Tim Lauve-Moon, Texas Christian University (t.moon@tcu.edu)
Paper Session D-5 (SSSR) Many Voices: Expanding the narrative on religious experiences in psychedelics
Room: Crawford West
Organizer: Roman Palitsky, Emory University (roman.palitsky@emory.edu)
Jewish Journeys: investigation of Jewish attitudes, perspectives, and experiences of psychedelics
Roman Palitsky, Emory University (roman.palitsky@emory.edu)
Co-Author 1: Zac Kamenetz, Shefa Flow
Co-Author 2: Nathan Fisher, University of California Santa Barbara
How are psychedelic experiences understood, felt, and integrated into aspects of daily life by Muslims?
Fayzan Rab, Emory University (syed.f.rab@emory.edu)
Co-Author 1: Salman Ahmad, University of Miami
Co-Author 2: Roman Palitsky, Emory University
Psychedelic experiences of ex-Mormons: a qualitative study
Peter Leavitt, Indian State University (peterallenleavitt@gmail.com)
Co-Author: Roman Palitsky, Emory University
Response: A rabbi's perspective on religious psychedelic integration
Zac Kamenetz, Shefa Flow (rabbizac@shefaflow.org)
Paper Session D-6 (SSSR) Preaching, Environmental Issues, and Accompaniment: Reports from the EcoPreacher Cohort
Room: Somerset East
Organizer/Convener: Leah Schade, Lexington Theological Seminary (lschade@lextheo.edu)
Effects of Education and Companionship for EcoPreachers and Sermon Listeners in a Climate-Changed World
Leah Schade, Lexington Theological Seminary (lschade@lextheo.edu)
Co-Author 1: Benjamin Yosua-Davis, The BTS Center
Co-Author 2: Marquisha Scott, University of Denver
Collaborative Creation Care: Clergy and Community-Based Approaches to Climate and Environmental Justice Work
Marquisha Scott, University of Denver (marquisha.scott@du.edu)
Co-Author 1: Jax Heil, University of Denver
Co-Author 2: Taylor Coats, University of Denver
Impacts of Congregational Context and Vocational Self-Understanding on Environmental Engagement for Preachers
Benjamin Yosua-Davis, The BTS Center (ben@thebtscenter.org)
Co-Author: Leah Schade, Lexington Theological Seminary
What Does “Caring for Creation” Mean for EcoPreachers and Sermon Listeners?
Amanda Wilson Harper, Tarleton State University (wilsonharper@tarleton.edu)
Co-Author 1: Leah Schade, Lexington Theological Seminary
Co-Author 2: Wayne Thompson, Carthage College
Paper Session D-7 (SSSR) Missions and Missionaries
Room: Crawford East
Convener: Jihye Jung, Arizona State University (jjung60@asu.edu)
African Indigenous Churches and reverse mission: A cultural hegemony or spreading of Christian gospel in the Diaspora.
Phillip Musoni, University of KwaZulu Natal(UKZN) (mphil2020@gmail.com)
Co-Author: Sibusiso Masondo, University of KwaZulu Natal(UKZN)
What Do Missionaries Do All Day? Precarious Work in the Age of Covert Evangelism
Andrew Chalfoun, University of California, Los Angeles (achalfoun@g.ucla.edu)
Sharing the Faith: Perspectives of Missionary Women at the Agogo Presbyterian Women's College of Education
Grace Adasi, University of Ghana, Legon (gadasi@ug.edu.gh)
Christian Missionaries in High-Risk Countries: Christian Identity and Risk Perceptions of Religious Actors
Jihye Jung, Arizona State University (jjung60@asu.edu)
The World is A Mission Field: Mapping, Movement, and the Evangelical Global Imaginary
Daniel Winchester, Purdue University (dwinches@purdue.edu)
Paper Session D-8 (SSSR) Disability and Belonging
Room: Fayette
Convener: Albert Herzog, (herzoga3@gmail.com)
Does Accessibility Have an Origin Story? Characterizing Accessibility Features in Religious Congregations
Jared Stewart-Ginsburg, North Carolina State University (stewart-ginsburg@ncsu.edu)
Disability and Church in War-Torn Ukraine
Albert Herzog, Retired (herzoga3@gmail.com)
The Polyphony of Life: Bonhoeffer's Musical Imagery of Deep and Wide Community
Corey Parish, Tyndale University (Toronto, ON) + Queen's College (St. Johns, NL) (coreyparish@hotmail.com)
Exploring the main and interaction effects of disability and belonging on depression among a global sample of Seventh-day Adventists
Shannon Trecartin, Andrews University (trecarts@andrews.edu)
Co-Author 1: Karl Bailey, Andrews University
Co-Author 2: Duane McBride, Andrews University
Co-Author 3: Alina Baltazar, Andrews University
Co-Author 4: David Trim, General Conference of Seventh Day Adventists
Paper Session D-9 (SSSR) Tools of the Trade
Room: Lawrence
Convener: Patricia Snell Herzog, Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy (psherzog@iu.edu)
Teaching about Christianity & Whiteness in Turbulent Times
Amanda Hernandez, Southwestern University (hernande3@southwestern.edu)
Co-Author: ,
Value Pluralism in the Secularization Research Program: How Researchers’ Religious Values and Prior Beliefs Affect Knowledge Production on Religious Change
Valeria Rainero, University of Trento (valeria.rainero@unitn.it)
Co-Author: Ruud Luijkx, Tilburg University
AI-Proofing Literature Reviews and Avoiding Methodological Imperialism: Studying Religion, Youth, and Philanthropy with Artificial Intelligence and Human Interpretation
Patricia Snell Herzog, Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy (psherzog@iu.edu)
Co-Author 1: Shinyoung Park, Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy
Co-Author 2: Nick Andre, Baylor University
Paper Session D-10 (SSSR) The Politics of Religious Freedom: Social Science Perspectives
Room: Westmoreland Central
Organizer/Convener: Orit Avishai, Fordham University (avishai@fordham.edu)
Ruth Braunstein, University of Connecticut (ruth.braunstein@uconn.edu)
Kelsy Burke, University of Nebraska Lincoln (kburke@unl.edu)
Amy McDowell, University of Mississippi (mcdowell@olemiss.edu)
Andrew Lewis, University of Cincinnati (lewis2a5@ucmail.uc.edu)
Paper Session D-11 (SSSR) Psychology of Religion
Room: Washington
Convener: Neil Kressel, William Paterson University (kresseln@wpunj.edu)
The Role of Expectations in Labyrinth Walking
Brenna Hayes, Indiana University South Bend (hayesbn@iu.edu)
Co-Author 1: Logan Balasa, Indiana University South Bend
Co-Author 2: Hannah Kovac, Indiana University South Bend
Co-Author 3: Kevin Ladd, Indiana University South Bend
A Psychology of Influence, and Vice-Versa: The History of The Cult Wars of in the Latter 20th Century
Jonathan Rowe, Duquesne University (rowej1@duq.edu)
Applying the Psychology of Religion: A Catalogue of Possibilities
Neil Kressel, William Paterson University (kresseln@wpunj.edu)
The Religious and Spiritual Beliefs and Practices of Faculty in Graduate Mental Health Training Programs
Edward Polson, Baylor University (clay_polson@baylor.edu)
Co-Author: Holly Oxhandler, Baylor University
Paper Session D-12 (SSSR) Challenges and innovations in the measurement of religion with surveys
Room: Butler East
Organizer: Pooyan Tamimi Arab, Utrecht University (p.tamimiarab@uu.nl)
Convener: Conrad Hackett, Pew Research Center (chackett@pewresearch.org)
How Pew Research Center surveys are addressing methodological challenges
Alan Cooperman, Pew Research Center (acooperman@pewresearch.org)
Co-Author 1: Greg Smith, Pew Research Center
Co-Author 2: Besheer Mohamed, Pew Research Center
Can Online Non-Probability Surveys Work in an Authoritarian Context? Measuring Non-Sensitive and Sensitive Topics in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Pooyan Tamimi Arab, Utrecht University (p.tamimiarab@uu.nl)
Co-Author: Ammar Maleki, Tilburg University
Web Surveys Miss the Most Religious People
Michael Hout, New York University (mikehout@nyu.edu)
Co-Author 1: Landon Schnabel, Cornell University
Co-Author 2: Sean Bock, Abt Global
Secret Secularity: Masking Non-Belief and Exaggerating Religiosity to Friends, Family, and Community in the United States
Landon Schnabel, Cornell University (schnabel@cornell.edu)
Co-Author 1: Brian Haggard, Cornell University
Co-Author 2: Erika Abbott, Cornell University
Paper Session D-13 (SSSR) Clergy Health and Well-Being
Room: Butler West
Organizer/Convener: Anna Holleman, Appalachian State University (annaholleman1@gmail.com)
Exploring the Effects of Work-Family Strain and Emotional Styles among Clergy: Stressors and Buffers for Clergy Mental Health
Rae Jean Proeschold-Bell, Duke University (rae.jean@duke.edu)
Co-Author: Jane Bo-Hyeong Lee, Duke University
Mainline Malaise: Testing Theological Mismatch as a Mechanism for Poor Mental Well-being Among Clergy
David Eagle, Duke University (david.eagle@duke.edu)
Addressing Health Disparities Among Pastors: Complementary Roles of Weight Loss and Physical Activity
Eric Trexler, Duke University (eric.trexler@duke.edu)
Co-Author: David Eagle, Duke University
Exploring the Relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Clergy Well-Being
Anna Holleman, Appalachian State University (annaholleman1@gmail.com)
Paper Session D-14 (SSSR) Book Panel: Liminal Minorities: Religious Difference and Mass Violence in Muslim Societies
Room: Somerset West
Organizer/Convener: David Buckley, University of Louisville (david.buckley@louisville.edu)
Author: Gunes Murat Tezcur, Arizona State University (tezcur@asu.edu)
Vineeta Yadav, Penn State University (vuy2@psu.edu)
Peter Henne, University of Vermont (peter.henne@uvm.edu)
Miray Philips, University of Toronto (miray.philips@utoronto.ca)
Paper Session D-15 (SSSR) Book Panel: Modeling Religion: Simulating the Transformation of Worldviews, Lifeways, and Civilizations
Room: Armstrong
Organizer/Convener: Wesley J. Wildman, Boston University (wwildman@bu.edu)
Author: Wesley J. Wildman, Boston University (wwildman@bu.edu)
Co-Author: F. LeRon Shults, University of Agder
Simon Brauer, University of Michigan (sgbrauer@umich.edu)
Ryan Cragun, The University of Tampa (rcragun@ut.edu)
Marcin Stonawski, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (stonaw@iiasa.ac.at)
David Voas, University College London (d.voas@ucl.ac.uk)
Friday, October 18, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Graduate Student Session- Scholars of Religion and the Job Market: Academic and Non-Academic Routes
Room: Fayette
Organizer/Convener: Daniel Cueto-Villalobos, University of Minnesota Twin Cities (cueto006@umn.edu)
Author: Daniel Cueto-Villalobos, University of Minnesota Twin Cities (cueto006@umn.edu)
Jacqui Frost, Purdue University (jlfrost@purdue.edu)
Popy Begum, Saint Louis University (popy.begum@slu.edu)
Charissa Mikoski, Hartford Institute for Religon Research (cmikoski@hartfordinternational.edu)
Friday, October 18, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Reception- New Books Reception
Room: Pennsylvania Ballroom
Friday, October 18, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
RRA H. Paul Douglass Lecture:- Why Public Scholarship Needs Research on Religion for Religious Leaders
Room: Allegheny 1, 2 & 3
Organizer/Convener: Elaine H. Ecklund, The Boniuk Institute, Rice University (ehe@rice.edu)
Author: Elaine H. Ecklund, The Boniuk Institute, Rice University (ehe@rice.edu)
Jerry Park, Baylor University (jerry_park@baylor.edu)
Esmeralda Sanchez Salazar, The Pennsylvania State University (esmeralda.salazar@psu.edu)
Michael Emerson, Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy (moe@rice.edu)
Besheer Mohamed, The Pew Research Center (bmohamed@pewresearch.org)
Friday, October 18, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
RRA Reception- RRA Reception
Room: Allegheny Foyer
Friday, October 18, 8:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Affinity Group and Research Network Meetings-1 Islam Research Network
Room: Butler West
Affinity Group and Research Network Meetings-2 Mormon Social Science Association
Room: Butler East
Affinity Group and Research Network Meetings-3 Scholars of Color Network
Room: Cambria East
Affinity Group and Research Network Meetings-4 Congregational Scholars Network
Room: Cambria West
Affinity Group and Research Network Meetings-5 Social Science of Science and Religion Group
Room: Fayette
Affinity Group and Research Network Meetings-6 Religion and Civic Life
Room: Somerset West
Affinity Group and Research Network Meetings-7 Non-Religion Group
Room: Somerset East
Affinity Group and Research Network Meetings-8 Catholic Research Network
Room: Washington
Saturday, October 19, 7:45 AM - 8:45 PM
Breakfast- Studying the Future of Sacred Places in a Changing Religious Landscape
Room: Allegheny 3
Saturday, October 19, 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM
SSSR Business Meeting- Meeting
Room: Cambria East
Saturday, October 19, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Coffee- Morning Coffee, sponsored by RRA
Room: Rotunda Foyer
Saturday, October 19, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Registration - Saturday- Registration
Room: Rotunda Foyer
Saturday, October 19, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Paper Session E-1 (SSSR) Profiles in Non-Religion
Room: Crawford East
Convener: Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme, University of Waterloo (sarah.wilkins-laflamme@uwaterloo.ca)
How Clergy That Are Religious Atheists Transform Religion From Within and How The Clergy Project is Divided over it?
Alexandr Zamușinski, University of California, Riverside (alexandr.zamusinski@email.ucr.edu)
The “Secular” Sacred Canopy: Revisiting the Heretical Imperative in Secular Contexts
Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme, University of Waterloo (sarah.wilkins-laflamme@uwaterloo.ca)
Co-Author: Galen Watts, University of Waterloo
The secular-religious divide in Iran: An analysis of GAMAAN’s online surveys
Pooyan Tamimi Arab, Utrecht University (p.tamimiarab@uu.nl)
Co-Author: Ammar Maleki, Tilburg University
Catholically irreligious? Understanding how and why Québécois reject religion from an historical-religious analysis
Élisabeth Sirois, University of Ottawa (esiroisro@hotmail.com)
Society and religion in transformation: Exploring the unaffiliated in Argentina
Juan Cruz Esquivel, University of Buenos Aires - National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (jucesquivel@gmail.com)
Paper Session E-2 (SSSR) Death and Dying
Room: Butler East
Convener: Andrea Henderson, University of South Carolina (ahenderson@sc.edu)
Religious and scientific repertoires in negotiating “good” death and end-of-life care
Josiah Taru, Rice University (jt100@rice.edu)
Co-Author: Elaine H. Ecklund, Rice University
Making peace with the past: The role of religiousness and experiencing critical life events as one ages
Gerard Rainville, AARP (grainville@aarp.org)
Co-Author: Laura Mehegan, AARP
From Church Graveyards to Country Clubs: Changing Preferences and Understandings of End-of-Life Rituals
Chris Miller, University of Ottawa (cmiller5@uottawa.ca)
The Impact of COVID-19 on Buddhist Communities in the US and Japan
Tatsushi Hirono, Austin Peay State University (hironot@apsu.edu)
Co-Author 1: Akinori Takase, Taisho University, Tokyo, Japan
Co-Author 2: Yukan Ogawa, Taisho University, Tokyo, Japan
Final Farewell: Exploring the Demographic and Religious Correlates of Attitudes on the Role of Religion and Science in Death
Andrea Henderson, University of South Carolina (ahenderson@sc.edu)
Co-Author 1: Brenton Kalinowski, Rice University
Co-Author 2: Elaine H. Ecklund, Rice University
Paper Session E-3 (SSSR) Reproductive Rights
Room: Butler West
Convener: Sabrina Danielsen, Creighton University (sabrinadanielsen@creighton.edu)
“I don’t believe that abortion’s the way to go, but…”: Perceptions on the Overturning of Roe from Teenage Girls in a Southern Baptist Youth Group
Courtney Heath, Mississippi State University (clh714@msstate.edu)
Replacing Welfare as We Know It: Crisis Pregnancy Centers & State Funding of Faith-Based Welfare Institutions
Becca Peach, Political Science Department, University of Washington (rlpeach@uw.edu)
Silence, Sanctified: U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Failure to Address Violence and Coercion in their Discussions of Reproductive Decisions
Sabrina Danielsen, Creighton University (sabrinadanielsen@creighton.edu)
Co-Author: Emily Burke, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dissonant Tones: The Relationship Between (In)congruent Congregational and Personal Views on Abortion and Health and Well-being
Johannah Palomo, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (johannah@unc.edu)
Paper Session E-4 (SSSR) Innovation in Religion and Spirituality: Contexts and Conditions
Room: Cambria East
Organizer/Convener: Brandon Vaidyanathan, Catholic University of America (brandonv@cua.edu)
Amy Lawton, Brandeis University (amylawton@brandeis.edu)
(see above)
Wendy Cadge, Bryn Mawr College (wcadge@brynmawr.edu)
Co-Author: ,
(see above)
Richard Flory, University of Southern California (rflory@usc.edu)
(see above)
Todd Ferguson, Rice University (tf28@rice.edu)
Paper Session E-5 (SSSR+RRA) Immigration
Room: Cambria West
Convener: Roberto Fernandez Morales, Presbyterian Church (USA) (roberto.morales@pcusa.org)
U.S. Gateway Cities as Hotspots for Hate Crimes Driven by Race and Religion: A Comprehensive Analysis
Fadime Apaydin, University of California, Riverside (fapay002@ucr.edu)
Immigration-Related Challenges to Hispanic Presbyterian Congregations
Roberto Fernandez Morales, Presbyterian Church (USA) (roberto.morales@pcusa.org)
Transforming Globally: How a Transnational Evangelical Network Expands while Negotiating with Locals in Taiwan and Thailand.
En-Ya Tsai, University of Notre Dame, the Department of Sociology. (etsai2@nd.edu)
Paper Session E-7 (SSSR) Adolesence
Room: Fayette
Convener: Kati Tervo-Niemela, University of Eastern Finland (kati.tervo-niemela@uef.fi)
A Study of Social Social Control Theory Explanation Sexual Activity Over Time
Michael Cretacci, Cameron University (mcretacc@cameron.edu)
Co-Author: Melissa Menasco, SUNY - Buffalo State
“Honesty is the Best Policy”: Adolescent Religiosity, Concealing Information, and Alcohol Use
Scott Desmond, Indiana University - Columbus (sadesmon@iu.edu)
Worship Atmosphere and Its Impact on Church Loyalty among Adolescents in Parochial Schools
Chang-Ho Ji, La Sierra University (cji@lasierra.edu)
Co-Author: Vy Cao, La Sierra University
The Social Psychology of the Religious Summer Camp
Neil Kressel, William Paterson University (kresseln@wpunj.edu)
The Dynamics of Family Religion, Wellbeing in Childhood and Youth and (Dis)continuity of Religion
Kati Tervo-Niemela, University of Eastern Finland (kati.tervo-niemela@uef.fi)
Paper Session E-8 (SSSR) Mental Health
Room: Somerset East
Convener: Aamir Jamal, University of Calgary (aamir.jamal@ucalgary.ca)
Investigating the Effect of Religion’s Dimensions on Egoistic Suicide Ideation
Soheil Sabriseilabi, Troy University (ssabriseilabi@troy.edu)
The Influence of Worship Practices on Views of the Etiology and Treatment of Depression Among Revivalist and Protestant Pastors in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Ryan Parker, Duke University Global Health Institute (rap86@duke.edu)
Co-Author 1: David Eagle, Duke University
Co-Author 2: Marc Asobee, Christian Bilingual University of the Congo
Belief in Miracles, R/S Struggles, and Depressive Symptoms: Exploring Variation by Racial and Ethnic Cohorts in the Study on Stress, Spirituality, and Health
Blake Kent, Westmont College (bkent@westmont.edu)
Co-Author: Laura Upenieks, Baylor University
Faith as a Fortress: Islamic Spirituality and Mental Well-Being Within Canadian Muslim Youth
Aamir Jamal, University of Calgary (aamir.jamal@ucalgary.ca)
Co-Author 1: Sabeena Tariq,
Co-Author 2: Danial Jamal,
Longitudinal Associations Between Leaving Religion and Health: The Mediating Role of Social Connection
Justin Hendricks, Penn State (justin_hendricks@psu.edu)
Paper Session E-9 (SSSR+RRA) Theological Education: Past/Present/Future - Part 1
Room: Westmoreland Central
Organizer: Christopher The, Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (the@ats.edu)
Convener: Anna Holleman, Appalachian State University (annaholleman1@gmail.com)
The Significance of Denominational Diversity in Faculty and Its Relationship to Theological Education
Sandra Collins, Byzantine Catholic Seminary of Ss. Cyril and Methodius (scollins@bcs.edu)
Who(se) Are Our Seminarians? A 25-Year Retrospective on Religious Affiliation Trends in ATS Schools
Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi, Iliff School of Theology (klizardy@iliff.edu)
Thriving in the Field: Perceptions of Hybrid Seminarians Engaged in Field Education
Kathleen Sellers, Duke University (kathleen.sellers@duke.edu)
Co-Author: Josh Gaghan, Duke University
“What I Wish I’d Learned in School”: Are Seminaries Missing the Mark?
Deborah Gin, Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (gin@ats.edu)
Co-Author: Jo Ann Deasy, Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada
Paper Session E-10 (SSSR) Sexuality, Traditions, and Practices
Room: Westmoreland East
Convener: Tess Starman, Howard University (t.e.starman@icloud.com)
And the Three Become One: Spiritual Journeys of Polyamorous Christians
April Stace, The General Theological Seminary (stace@gts.edu)
Price of Politics: How much are evangelical Presbyterians willing to pay to separate?
Kyle Coombs, Bates College (kcoombs@bates.edu)
Co-Author: ,
Purity Culture Politics: The effect of religious tradition and political affiliation on attitudes towards sex
Tess Starman, Howard University (t.e.starman@icloud.com)
Co-Author: ,
The Body Doesn’t Forget: The EUB/Methodist1968 Merger, Current UMC Disaffiliation, and the Grief We Carry with Us
Lynette Moran, University of Pittsburgh (lsm46@pitt.edu)
Paper Session E-11 (SSSR) Religious Cultures
Room: Washington
Convener: Patricia Tevington, Pew Research Center (ptevington2@pewresearch.org)
Religion, Morality and Human Rights: Modern Trends in Afikpo, Nigeria
Eberechukwu Omezue-Nnali, Akanu Ibiam Federal Polythecnic Unwana, Ebonyi State, Nigeria (ukpabie3@gmail.com)
Cloistered democracies? Participatory cultures of contemporary monastic communities
Maciej Potz, University of Lodz (maciej.potz@uni.lodz.pl)
American Catholics’ Views on Pope Francis
Patricia Tevington, Pew Research Center (ptevington2@pewresearch.org)
Paper Session E-12 (RRA) Clergy Wellness & Vitality within the 2023 Faith Communities Today Survey
Room: Westermoreland West
Organizer/Convener: Scott Thumma, Hartford Institute for Religion Research (sthumma@hartfordinternational.edu)
All their Labors to God: Examining Clergy well-being in The Episcopal Church and the United Church of Christ
Erica Dollhopf, Center for Analytics, Research & Development, and Data United Church of Christ (dollhopfe@ucc.org)
Co-Author: Molly James, The Episcopal Church
Thoughts of Leaving Ministry Among UCC Clergy—Predictors and Challenges
David Evan Pence, Center for Analytics, Research & Development, and Data United Church of Christ (penced@ucc.org)
Pastoral Wellness in a “Health-oriented” Denomination: How SDA Pastors Fare on Wellness Issues
Petr Cincala, Institute of Church Ministry Andrews University (cincala@andrews.edu)
Co-Author: Rene Drumm, Independent Scholar
Stubborn or Persistent? How American Orthodox Christian Churches Dealt with and Recovered from the Pandemic
Alexei Krindatch, National Coordinator US Census of Orthodox Christian Churches (akrindatch@aol.com)
Paper Session E-13 (SSSR) Book Panel: Estranged Pioneers: Race, Faith, and Leadership in a Diverse World
Room: Somerset West
Organizer/Convener: Michael Emerson, Rice University (moe@rice.edu)
Author: Korie Little Edwards, The Ohio State University (edwards.623@osu.edu)
Co-Author: Rebecca Kim, Pepperdine University
Glenn Bracey, Villanova University (glenn.bracey@villanova.edu)
Jason Shelton, University of Texas-Arlington (jshelton@uta.edu)
Paper Session E-14 (SSSR) Book Panel: Goodbye Religion: The Causes and Consequences of Secularization
Room: Armstrong
Organizer/Convener: Jesse M. Smith, Western Michigan University (jesse.smith@wmich.edu)
Author: Ryan T. Cragun, University of Tampa (rcragun@ut.edu)
Co-Author: Jesse M. Smith, Western Michigan University
David Voas, University College London (d.voas@ucl.ac.uk)
Joseph Baker, East Tennessee State University (bakerjo@mail.etsu.edu)
Christopher Scheitle, West Virginia University (cpscheitle@mail.wvu.edu)
Joel Thiessen, Ambrose University (jathiessen@ambrose.edu)
Paper Session E-15 (RRA) Book Panel: Networking the Black Church: Digital Black Christians and Hip Hop
Room: Lawrence
Organizer/Convener: Erika Gault, Smithsonian NMAAHC (gaulte@si.edu)
Author: Erika Gault, Smithsonian NMAAHC (gaulte@si.edu)
Besheer Mohamed, Pew Research (bmohamed@pewresearch.org)
Saturday, October 19, 10:40 AM - 12:10 PM
Paper Session F-1 (RRA) Gender, Sexuality, and Inclusion and Exclusion in Religious Spaces
Room: Westmoreland East
Convener: David Kemp (they/them), University of Denver and Iliff School of Theology (david.kemp@du.edu)
Queerness, Feminism, Religion, and Purity Culture on Tumblr: Genealogies of Subversion, Exclusion, Community, and Oppression
David Kemp (they/them), University of Denver and Iliff School of Theology Joint Ph.D. Program in the Study of Religion (david.kemp@du.edu)
Changing Attitudes About LGBTQ Families in the PC(USA)
Sean Payne, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (sean.payne@pcusa.org)
Queer and Catholic?: Two inductive models to describe the lived experiences of LGBTQ+ Spanish Catholics in Madrid, Spain
Grego Pena-Camprubi, University of Denver & Iliff School of Theology (grego.penacamprubi@du.edu)
Healing Justice: Trauma-Informed Responses to Sexual Violence Against Church Leadership
Cynthia Holder Rich, Trinity Lutheran Seminary at Capital University (cholderrich@capital.edu)
Co-Author 1: Aubrey Scheopner Torres Scheopner Torres, Saint Anselm College
Co-Author 2: Windy Cooler, Lancaster Theological Seminary
Paper Session F-2 (SSSR) Religion and Violence
Room: Cambria East
Convener: Helal Hossain Dhali, Dhaka University, Bangladesh and Bishop's University, Canada (helaldhali@gmail.com)
Growing Hate Crimes: The Rise of Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia among Jewish and Muslim Diaspora Communities
Helal Hossain Dhali, Dhaka University, Bangladesh and Bishop's University, Canada (helaldhali@gmail.com)
Religious Violence, Identity Dynamics, and Intergroup Emotions
Tomas Lindgren, Umea University (tomas.lindgren@umu.se)
Racewar.com: The Role Algorithmic False Prophets Play in inspiring Racially Motivated Religious Violence
Mutale Nkonde, Columbia University (mn3013@columbia.edu)
Co-Author: ,
Execution and Sacrifice: The Social Structure of Martyrdom
Bradley Campbell, California State University, Los Angeles (bradleykcampbell@gmail.com)
Paper Session F-3 (SSSR) The Power of Preaching
Room: Cambria West
Convener: Joel Tejedo, Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (joel_doulos@yahoo.com)
The Urban Face of Megachurch Leadership: A Comparative and Quantitative Analyses of Megachurch Leadership in the Context of Urban Centers in the Philippines
Joel Tejedo, Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (joel_doulos@yahoo.com)
Co-Author: ,
Prophetic, Pragmatic, or Perturbed? Clergy Responses to Kyle Rittenhouse's Acquittal
Laura Krull, St. Norbert College (laura.krull@snc.edu)
Co-Author: Erin Lamm, St. Norbert College
Faith and Frontiers: Uncovering Thematic Divergence in Turkish Friday Semons (Khutbas) at Home and Abroad Using Large Language Models
Ibrahim Enes Atac, The Pennsylvania State University (iza5155@psu.edu)
Co-Author: Abdul Basit Adeel,
Past, Present, Future: A Longitudinal Study of Preaching Social Issues
Leah Schade, Lexington Theological Seminary (lschade@lextheo.edu)
Co-Author 1: Amanda Wilson Harper, Tarleton State University
Co-Author 2: Wayne Thompson, Carthage College
Paper Session F-4 (SSSR) Perceptions of Political Candidates
Room: Crawford East
Convener: Enrique Quezada, Agnes Scott College (equezada@agnesscott.edu)
When Candidates Become Preachers: Religious Appeals in Campaign Advertisements in the U.S. from 2010-2020
Enrique Quezada, Agnes Scott College (equezada@agnesscott.edu)
Co-Author: Pedro Magarao Ribeiro, Rice University
Religion and Gender: The Role of Stereotypes
Levi Allen, Indiana State University (levi.allen@indstate.edu)
Co-Author: Andrea Manning, University of Illinois - Chicago
Religion and Russia: The New Configuration of American Attitudes
James Guth, Furman University (jim.guth@furman.edu)
“I’m not Republican or Democrat. I’m not interested:” The Politics of Being Apolitical Among Chinese American Evangelicals
Bianca Mabute-Louie, Rice University (bm54@rice.edu)
"Joe Biden is a Fake Catholic?": How Partisan Polarization Divides Social Groups
James Kirk, University of Notre Dame (jameskirk.14.14@gmail.com)
Paper Session F-5 (SSSR) Apocalypticism
Room: Butler West
Convener: Julie Exline, Case Western Reserve University (julie.exline@case.edu)
The Apocalypticism of the 2024 Elections
Paul Djupe, Denison University (djupe@denison.edu)
Co-Author 1: Jacob Neiheisel, SUNY-Buffalo
Co-Author 2: Andrew Lewis, University of Cincinnati
The psychological foundations of conspirituality
Paweł Łowicki, University of Warsaw (pawel.lowicki@psych.uw.edu.pl)
Co-Author: Julia Tokarz, University of Warsaw
The cosmic battle: Christian nationalism, fundamentalism, traditional masculinity, and a worldview of cosmic battle predict QAnon and conspiracy beliefs
Julie Exline, Case Western Reserve University (julie.exline@case.edu)
Co-Author 1: Andrew Moffitt, Case Western Reserve University
Co-Author 2: William Schutt, Case Western Reserve University
Co-Author 3: Joshua Wilt, Case Western Reserve University
Co-Author 4: Yehudis Keller, Case Western Reserve University
Co-Author 5: Kathleen Pait, Case Western Reserve University
Devoutly Islamophobic: The Impact of Christian Zionist Ideology on Middle Eastern Politics
Asena Karipek, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (asenakaripek@gmail.com)
Paper Session F-6 (SSSR+RRA) Indigenous Religious Practices
Room: Somerset East
Convener: Nina Shultz, Atla-Collectors and Connectors in Religion and Theology (ninashultz@comcast.net)
The Yup’ik self in indigenous ethics and aesthetics
Nina Shultz, Atla-Collectors and Connectors in Religion and Theology (ninashultz@comcast.net)
Eggon Indigenous Religion in Transition? The Emergency of the Ombatse Movement and its Implication on National Security
Akolo Ajige, Federal University of Lafia. Nasarawa State, Nigeria. (akolo.ajige@arts.fulafia.edu.ng)
Trinidad Obeah as 'Dark Anthropology'
Stephen Glazier, Yale University (stephen.glazier@yale.edu)
Co-Author: ,
Religious Communities and Peace-building in Ghana Beyond Boundaries
Joseph Kwadwo Asuming, University of Ghana (jkasuming@st.ug.edu.gh)
Paper Session F-7 (SSSR) Mormon Social Science Association: Mormon Catechisms
Room: Fayette
Organizer/Convener: Nancy Ross, Utah Tech University (nancy.ross@utahtech.edu)
Beehive Girls and the Priesthood: Reactions to Women’s Ordination and Feminism in Church Curriculum in the 1970s and 1980s
Nancy Ross, Utah Tech University (nancy.ross@utahtech.edu)
Co-Author: David Howlett, Smith College
Giving "Primary Answers": Implicit Catechism in LDS Teacher's Manuals for Children
El Call, Lancaster University (elenahcall@gmail.com)
A Mormon Catechism?: John Jaques’ Catechism for Children and the beginning of Mormon religious instruction for children
Kent Larsen, Hunter College, CUNY (kent.s.larsen@gmail.com)
The value pulpit: An analysis of moral messages in L.D.S. General Conference
Kameron Gonzalez, University of Pennsylvania (gkameron@sas.upenn.edu)
Co-Author: Bradley Anderson, Independent Scholar
Paper Session F-8 (SSSR) Ex-Seventh-day Adventists: Who They are, Their Identity and Relationships, Why They Left, and How They are Moving Forward
Room: Butler East
Organizer: Rene Drumm, Andrews University (rened@andrews.edu)
Convener: Thomas Arcaro, Elon University (arcaro@elon.edu)
Exploring Ex-Adventists: Unveiling their Traits and Experiences
Rene Drumm, Andrews University (rened@andrews.edu)
Unveiling the Social and Religious Identity of Ex-Adventists: Navigating Relationships, Self-Presentation, and Openness
Jeff Wright, World Vision (wrightjd1@protonmail.com)
Ex-Adventists’ decision-making process – coming in and leaving
Duane McClearn, Elon University (mcclearn@elon.edu)
Long-lasting effects of Adventism on ex-Adventists’ lives
Thomas Arcaro, Elon University (arcaro@elon.edu)
Paper Session F-9 (SSSR) Interpreting the present to prepare for the future: Teaching approaches in the study of religion
Room: Crawford West
Organizer: Daniel McIntosh, University of Denver (daniel.mcintosh@du.edu)
Interrogating Religion and Race in Critical Race and Ethnic Studies and Social Justice Education
Indhira Udofia, University of Denver (indhira.udofia@du.edu)
Addressing student religious background, attitudes, and level of cognitive development in discussions of religion in the psychology classroom
Melanie Nyhof, Carthage College (mnyhof@carthage.edu)
Gratitude Journaling as Pedagogical Tool in a Social Psychology Course
Kevin Ladd, Indiana University South Bend (kladd@iu.edu)
Generating deeper understanding of cultural appropriation in religious and spiritual practices using non-competitive debate
Daniel McIntosh, University of Denver (daniel.mcintosh@du.edu)
Co-Author: Darrin Hicks, University of Denver
Paper Session F-10 (SSSR+RRA) Theological Education: Past/Present/Future - Part 2
Room: Westmoreland Central
Organizer: Christopher The, Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (the@ats.edu)
Research on Spiritual Formation within Jewish Theological Education: A Qualitative Study
Laura B. Stein, Judith Gerstenblith, Steven J. Sandage, Kristen R. Hydinger, and Sarah A. Crabtree, Boston University (ssandage@bu.edu)
Co-Author: Daniel Klein and Susie Tanchel, Hebrew College
From “Church Hurt” to “Seminary Hurt”: Theological Education and Narratives of Spiritual Abuse
Nicolette Manglos-Weber, Boston University (nmw1@bu.edu)
Co-Author: Angel Clark, Boston University
LGBTQ+ Seminarians’ Trajectories through Theological Education
Anna Holleman, Appalachian State University (annaholleman1@gmail.com)
Co-Author: Bec Stargel, North Carolina State University
How Social Embeddedness Predicts Ideological Change in Seminary Students
David Eagle, Duke University (david.eagle@duke.edu)
Co-Author 1: Craig Rawlings, Duke University
Co-Author 2: Erin Johnston, Duke University
Paper Session F-11 (RRA) Causes and Consequences of Religious Affiliation, Disaffiliation, and Switching
Room: Westermoreland West
Convener: Hannah Evans, Springtide Research Institute (hannah@springtideresearch.org)
Youth Perceptions of Religious Affiliation in a Post-Evangelical America
Hannah Evans, Springtide Research Institute (hannah@springtideresearch.org)
Co-Author: Nabil Tueme, Springtide Research Institute
Revisiting Internal Secularization: Religious Decline from the Inside Out
Isaiah King, Baylor University (isaiah_king1@baylor.edu)
Church Switchers: Why do they leave and what do they expect?
Daniel Price, Lifeway Research (daniel.price@lifeway.com)
Everything to Everyone While We All Fell Apart: UMC Clergy Grief and Burnout During Disaffiliation Season Compounded by COVID
Lynette Moran, University of Pittsburgh (lsm46@pitt.edu)
Paper Session F-12 The Contemporary Black Church: The New Dynamics of African American Religion
Room: Washington
Organizer/Convener: Ryon Cobb, Rutgers University (ryon.cobb@rutgers.edu)
Author: Jason Shelton, University of Texas at Arlington (jeshelton@uta.edu)
Michael Emerson, Rice University (moe@rice.edu)
Jonathan Calvillo, Emory University (jcalvillo@emory.edu)
Nichole R. Phillips, Emory University (nichole.r.phillips@emory.edu)
Paper Session F-13 (SSSR) Book Panel: Cultural Catholics: Who They Are, How to Respond
Room: Armstrong
Organizer/Convener: Lucas Sharma, UC San Diego (lsharma@ucsd.edu)
Author: Maureen Day, USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture (maureen@daypalermo.com)
Tia Noelle Pratt, Villanova University (tia.pratt@villanova.edu)
Anthony Pogorelc, St. Mary’s University, San Antonio (apogorelc@stmarytx.edu)
Audra Dugandzic, St. Mary's Seminary & University (adugandzic@stmarys.edu)
Lucas Sharma, UC San Diego (lsharma@ucsd.edu)
Paper Session F-14 (RRA) Book Panel: Sacred Snaps: Photovoice for Interfaith Engagement
Room: Lawrence
Organizer/Convener: Catherine Holtmann, University of New Brunswick (cathy.holtmann@unb.ca)
Author: Roman Williams, Interfaith Photovoice (roman@interfaithphotovoice.org)
Co-Author 1: Catherine Holtmann, University of New Brunswick
Co-Author 2: William Sachs, St. Stephen's Church, Richmond, VA
Christine Sheikh, Metropolitan State University of Denver (csheikh@msudenver.edu)
Nancy Ammerman, Boston University (nta@bu.edu)
Richard Flory, University of Southern California (rflory@usc.edu)
Paper Session F-15 (SSSR) Book Panel: Without a Prayer: Religion and Race in New York City Public Schools
Room: Somerset West
Organizer/Convener: Todd Nicholas Fuist, Illinois Wesleyan University (tfuist@iwu.edu)
Author: Leslie Beth Ribovich, Transylvania University (lribovich@transy.edu)
Jeff Guhin, UCLA (guhin@soc.ucla.edu)
Damon Mayrl, Colby College (dwmayrl@colby.edu)
Ilana Horwitz, Tulane University (ihorwitz@tulane.edu)
Courtney Ann Irby, Illinois Wesleyan University (cirby@iwu.edu)
Saturday, October 19, 12:15 PM - 1:10 PM
SSSR Networking Luncheon- Luncheon
Room: Allegheny 3
Saturday, October 19, 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM
SSSR Presidential Panel:- Deconstruction and Nonreligion: Reflections on the 10th Anniversary of The Deconstructed Church by Gerardo Martí and Gladys Ganiel (OUP 2014)
Room: Allegheny 1 & 2
Organizer: Joseph Blankholm, University of California, Santa Barbara (blankholm@ucsb.edu)
Convener: Kraig Beyerlein, University of Notre Dame (kbeyerl1@nd.edu)
Deconstruction and Nonreligion: Reflections on the 10th Anniversary of The Deconstructed Church by Gerardo Martí and Gladys Ganiel (OUP 2014)
Joseph Blankholm, University of California, Santa Barbara (blankholm@ucsb.edu)
Deconstruction and Nonreligion: Reflections on the 10th Anniversary of The Deconstructed Church by Gerardo Martí and Gladys Ganiel (OUP 2014)
Anna Sun, Duke University (anna.x.sun@duke.edu)
Deconstruction and Nonreligion: Reflections on the 10th Anniversary of The Deconstructed Church by Gerardo Martí and Gladys Ganiel (OUP 2014)
Anna Strhan, York University (anna.strhan@york.ac.uk)
Deconstruction and Nonreligion: Reflections on the 10th Anniversary of The Deconstructed Church by Gerardo Martí and Gladys Ganiel (OUP 2014)
Evan Stewart, University of Massachusetts, Boston (evan.stewart@umb.edu)
Saturday, October 19, 2:20 PM - 3:50 PM
Paper Session G-1 (SSSR) Religion and Decoloniality
Room: Washington
Convener: Lisa Weaver-Swartz, Asbury University (lisa.weaver.swartz@asbury.edu)
Like McDonalds in the Mekong: White Evangelical Legacies in Southeast Asian Anti-human Trafficking
Lisa Weaver-Swartz, Asbury University (lisa.weaver.swartz@asbury.edu)
Might C. Eric Lincoln’s “Black Religion” be equated with a global need for compassion?
Hassaun Jones-Bey, Retired (boundlessgratitude@icloud.com)
Gender and African Religion across Historical Epochs; A Case of Agikuyu Women
Mary Wanjiku Kihuha, Pan-Africa Christian University (wanjikumary339@gmail.com)
Reimagining Resistance: A Comparative Analysis of Black American New Religious Movements from 1874-2024
Gerard Jameson, Temple University (gerard.jameson@temple.edu)
Exploring the intersection of religion and (de)coloniality in Haiti
Emmanuel Buteau, Xavier University of Louisiana (ebuteau@xula.edu)
Paper Session G-2 (SSSR) Religion and Health
Room: Cambria East
Convener: T.L. Brink, Crafton Hills College (TLBrink@gmail.com)
Meaning Making: To What extent do Women with Metastatic Breast Cancer View their Diagnosis as a Blessing in Disguise?
Rachel Kraus, Ball State University (rmkraus@bsu.edu)
The Congregation Effect of Women’s Mental Health: Variation By Religious Tradition
Caitlin Fitzgerald, University of Notre Dame (cfitzge8@nd.edu)
Co-Author 1: David Sikkink, University of Notre Dame
Co-Author 2: ,
Paper Session G-3 (SSSR) Supernatural Beliefs
Room: Cambria West
Convener: Michael Kitchens, Lebanon Valley College (kitchens@lvc.edu)
Angels in Bachwezi Bashomi Religious Movements in Uganda: Exploring the Phenomenon, theology and manifestations of African Angelology
Robert Kuloba Wabyanga, Kyambogo University (robert_kuloba@yahoo.com)
The Self in Self-Focused (vs. God-Focused) Spirituality
Michael Kitchens, Lebanon Valley College (kitchens@lvc.edu)
Co-Author: Russell Phillips, University of Pittsburgh, Greensburg
Them that might believe: Testing supernatural beliefs among the doubters
Robert Arrowood, The University of Virginia's College at Wise (ekr4fn@uvawise.edu)
Co-Author: Gracie Johnson, The University of Virginia's College at Wise
The Relationship of Religious and Spiritual Beliefs with Narrative Identity and Personality: A Mixed-Methods Study
John Balchj, National University (jbalch@bu.edu)
Co-Author 1: Patrick McNamara, National University
Co-Author 2: Rachel Raider, National University
Paper Session G-4 (SSSR) Religion and Place
Room: Crawford West
Convener: Veronika Eufinger, Ruhr-Universität (veronika.eufinger@rub.de)
Toward a theory of urban building metaphors: The shape Christianity takes in the city
Veronika Eufinger, Center for Applied Pastoral Research, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany (veronika.eufinger@rub.de)
The aesthetics of nature as a sacred place: An exploratory study of public park visitors
David Barry, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point (dbarry@uwsp.edu)
Temporalities of the Christian Geopolitical Imagination
Jill Thornton, University of South Carolina (jillt@email.sc.edu)
Placing Your Faith: The Religious Foundations of America's Urban-Rural Divide
Levi Allen, Indiana State University (levi.allen@indstate.edu)
Co-Author 1: James Kirk, University of Notre Dame
Co-Author 2: ,
Paper Session G-5 (SSSR) Religion and Social Movements
Room: Butler West
Convener: Emily Burke, University of Wisconsin-Madison (eeburke3@wisc.edu)
Nonviolent Action and Religion in West Papua
Tomas Lindgren, Umea University (tomas.lindgren@umu.se)
Strategic Framing, International Political Opportunity and The Role of The Presbyterian Church of Taiwan: A Case Study of Formosa Incident
Mingui Gao, Purdue University (gao700@purdue.edu)
Putting the “Social” in Social Movement: How Lay Catholic Environmental Activism Builds, Affirms, and Sustains Community
Emily Burke, University of Wisconsin-Madison (eeburke3@wisc.edu)
Mapping Spiritual Innovation - Understanding the Landscape of Spiritual Care Outside of Traditional Religious Institutions
Hannah Petersen, Brandeis University (hpetersen@brandeis.edu)
Co-Author 1: Wendy Cadge, Bryn Mawr College
Co-Author 2: Amy Lawton, Brandeis University
Paper Session G-6 (SSSR) Doing Religion
Room: Somerset East
Convener: Michelle Oyakawa, Muskingum University (moyakawa@muskingum.edu)
Becoming a “porous self”: Self-transcendence at spiritual festivals in Estonia.
Toomas Gross, University of Helsinki (toomas.gross@helsinki.fi)
The Waiting Game: Dating while Black, Woman, and Christian
Sarah Adeyinka-Skold, Loyola Marymount University (sarah.adeyinka-skold@lmu.edu)
“Jesus is my friend”: 21st Century American Evangelicals’ Modes of Ethical Subjectification
Jian Su, Purdue University (su356@purdue.edu)
Intersections of Sports and Spirituality: Case Of “Gor Mahia” Football Club in Kenya
Okelloh Ogera, Great Lakes University of Kisumu (revokellohogera@gmail.com)
Fandom as Religion From a Functionalist Perspective: The Case of BTS ARMY
Michelle Oyakawa, Muskingum University (moyakawa@muskingum.edu)
Paper Session G-7 (SSSR + RRA) Pathways of Theological Education: Forming Pastoral Leaders
Room: Westermoreland West
Organizer: Christopher The, Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (the@ats.edu)
Convener: Anna Holleman, Appalachian State University (annaholleman1@gmail.com)
Diverse Trajectories of Human and Spiritual Formation in Theological Education: Data-Informed Insights from Longitudinal Research
David Wang, Fuller Theological Seminary (davidcwang@fuller.edu)
Co-Author: Seungju Kim, Fuller Theological Seminary
Chaplains and Spiritual Care in Community-Based Social Services
Ryan Gladwin, Palm Beach Atlantic University (ryan_gladwin@pba.edu)
Co-Author 1: Emma Feyas, Palm Beach Atlantic University
Co-Author 2: Jeremy Morse, Palm Beach Atlantic University
Pathways to Divinity School: Insights from the Religious Life Histories of Seminary Students
Erin Johnston, Duke University (erin.johnston035@duke.edu)
Co-Author 1: Kelsey Mischke, North Carolina State University
Co-Author 2: Kathleen Sellers, Duke University
Paper Session G-8 (SSSR) The Next Generation of Believers: Investigating Youth/Young Adult Religiosity and Faith Development
Room: Crawford East
Organizer/Convener: Chang-Ho Ji, La Sierra University (cji@lasierra.edu)
Shifting Sands: The Evolving Influence of Family, School, and Church on Youth Religious Faith
Vy Cao, La Sierra University (vcao125@lasierra.edu)
Co-Author: Chang-Ho Ji, La Sierra University
Reaching by Helping: Individual and Institutional Practices Associated with Prosocial Evangelism
Karl Bailey, Andrews University (kgbailey@andrews.edu)
Co-Author 1: Shannon Trecartin, Andrews University
Co-Author 2: Duane McBride, Andrews University
Christian and Non-Christian Summer Campers: How their Experiences Differ
Rene Drumm, Andrews University (reneddrumm@gmail.com)
Co-Author 1: Injae Son, Andrews University
Co-Author 2: Petr Cincala, Andrews University
After the Summer Adventure and Campfire: The Impact of Christian Summer Camp Experiences on Youth across Grade Levels
Injae Son, Andrews University (injae@andrews.edu)
Co-Author 1: Rene Drumm, Andrews University
Co-Author 2: Petr Cincala, Andrews University
Paper Session G-9 (SSSR) “There Are (No) Jobs for Scholars Studying Religion:” The Fallacies and Realities of the Academic and Alternative to Academic Job Market
Room: Westmoreland Central
Organizer/Convener: Popy Begum, Saint Louis University (popy.begum@slu.edu)
Navigating the Academic Job Market as an Interdisciplinary Scholar
Popy Begum, Saint Louis University (popy.begum@slu.edu)
On the Market as a Scholar Investigating White Christian Nationalism
Joshua Davis, University of New Hampshire, Durham (josh.davis@unh.edu)
Religion Research Outside the Academic Job Market: Challenges and Opportunities
Besheer Mohamed, Pew Research Center (bmohamed@pewresearch.org)
Recent Experiences on the Academic Job Market
Christopher Seto, Purdue University (setoc@purdue.edu)
Paper Session G-11 (RRA) Careers in Applied Religion Research
Room: Butler East
Organizer: Erica Dollhopf, United Church of Christ (dollhopfe@ucc.org)
Jonathon Wiggins, CARA at Georgetown University (jlw8@georgetown.edu)
Patricia Tevington, Pew Research Center (ptevington2@pewresearch.org)
Rich Houseal, Church of the Nazarene (rhouseal@nazarene.org)
Hannah Evans, Springtide Research Institute (hannah@springtideresearch.org)
Erica Dollhopf, United Church of Christ (dollhopfe@ucc.org)
Paper Session G-12 (RRA) Connected Faith: A Digital Religious Survey of Black Americans
Room: Westmoreland East
Organizer/Convener: Erika Gault, University of Arizona (erikagault1@gmail.com)
Digital Religious Centrality: Exploring Black Women’s Digital Religious Involvement during COVID-19
Meredith Hope, College of Wooster (mhope@wooster.edu)
Funk the Fear, Live Your Life: Care as Praxis in Digital Black Religion Research
Larisa Anderson, University of North Carolina Chapel (landerson@unc.edu)
Ecclesiology & Evangelism in the Digital & Networked Black Church
Angel Clark, Boston University (landerson@unc.edu)
Paper Session G-13 (SSSR) Mormon Gender Roles: Past, Present, and Future
Room: Lawrence
Organizer/Convener: Thomas Murphy, Edmonds College (thomaswmurphy90@gmail.com)
Charismatic Authority and Socioreligious Conflict: Exploring Early Mormon Fundamentalist Patriarchal Blessings.
Cyrus Simper, University of Utah (u15403@utah.edu)
Religious Identity in Elite Mormon Athletes
Kelly Furr, Virginia Commonwealth University (furrkn@vcu.edu)
Charting the Impact of Religion on Women's Economic Vulnerability in the Twenty-first Century: Perspectives from Mormon Culture
Alyssa Calder Hulme, University of Chicago (alyssa.hulme@gmail.com)
Mormons and Efficacy: Gender, Generation, and Orthodoxy as Factors in Creating Change
Jana Riess, Religion News Service (riess.jana@gmail.com)
Paper Session G-14 (SSSR) Book Panel: The Divine Economy, Freedoms Delayed and Christianity's American Fate: Three Books on the Economic and Political Influences of Religion
Room: Armstrong
Organizer/Convener: Paul Seabright, Toulouse School of Economics (paul.seabright@tse-fr.eu)
Author: Paul Seabright, Toulouse School of Economics (paul.seabright@tse-fr.eu)
Timur Kuran, Duke University (t.kuran@duke.edu)
David Hollinger, University of California Berkeley (davidhol@berkeley.edu)
Paper Session G-15 (SSSR) Book Panel: Religion for Realists: Why We All Need the Scientific Study of Religion
Room: Somerset West
Organizer/Convener: Conrad Hackett, Pew Research Center (chackett@pewresearch.org)
Author: Samuel Perry, University of Oklahoma (samperry2011@gmail.com)
David Voas, University College London (d.voas@ucl.ac.uk)
Nancy Ammerman, Boston University (nta@bu.edu)
Eman Abdelhadi, University of Chicago (abdelhadi@uchicago.edu)
Paul Djupe, Denison University (djupe@denison.edu)
Saturday, October 19, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Paper Session H-1 (SSSR) Nationalisms
Room: Washington
Convener: Nilay Saiya, Nanyang Technological University (nilay.saiya@ntu.edu.sg)
Three Faces of American Christian Nationalism
Nilay Saiya, Nanyang Technological University (nilay.saiya@ntu.edu.sg)
Celebrating Eid in Kashmir: India, Pakistan and Liminal Nationalism in a Disputed Region
Iymon Majid, Kulturwissenchaftliches Institut Essen Germany (iymonmajid@gmail.com)
Nationalisms in Contention: Religious Nationalism and the Boros of Northeast India
Roshni Brahma, PhD scholar (b.roshni@iitg.ac.in)
Trajectories of Nationalist and Fatalistic Beliefs in the Chinese Mainland: A Cohort Perspective
Dao Zhou, Institute for the Study of Buddhism and Religious Theory, Renmin University of China (dao.zhou@ruc.edu.cn)
Paper Session H-2 (SSSR) Religious Life on College and University Campuses
Room: Cambria East
Convener: Meredith Hope, College of Wooster (mhope@wooster.edu)
The Link Between Parental and College Student Religiosity
Craig Rivera, Niagara University (cjr@niagara.edu)
Co-Author: Michael Cretacci, Cameron University
“Seeing How the System Works...”: How do liberal arts colleges support Black undergraduate women’s religious and spiritual development?
Meredith Hope, College of Wooster (mhope@wooster.edu)
Co-Author 1: Alyssa Clark, College of Wooster
Co-Author 2: Alesha Anchil, Swarthmore College
Emerging Adult Religious Identity Development: Turning Points and Growth from Spiritual and Religious Struggles
Katheryn Kelley, Taylor University (katie_kelley1@taylor.edu)
Co-Author 1: Sara Khalaj, Taylor University
Co-Author 2: Laura Edwards, Taylor University
Religious beliefs and practices of Indian Muslim students at the University of KwaZulu-Natal
Anthonia Ishabiyi, University of Cincinnati (ishabiao@mail.uc.edu)
Co-Author: ,
Structures for Success: Assessing the Role of Resource Allocation in the Functioning of Campus Ministry Providers
Michael Belt, Pennsylvania State University (michael@beltmail.com)
Co-Author: ,
Paper Session H-3 (SSSR) Beliefs in the Afterlife
Room: Cambria West
Convener: Melanie Nyhof, Carthage College (mnyhof@carthage.edu)
Individual and developmental differences in the understanding of the soul among Protestant Christians in Tana Toraja, Indonesia
Melanie Nyhof, Carthage College (mnyhof@carthage.edu)
Co-Author: Piter Randan, Institut Agama Kristan Negeri Toraja
Trends in Afterlife Beliefs in the United States
Rachel Bacon, Center for Mind and Culture (rbacon@mindandculture.org)
Co-Author 1: Taylor Thomas, Center for Mind and Culture
Co-Author 2: Eli Elster, Boston University
Is the persistence of belief in life after death compatible with secularization theory?
David Voas, University College London (d.voas@ucl.ac.uk)
Paper Session H-4 (SSSR) Forms of Resistance
Room: Crawford West
Convener: Shaonta Allen, Dartmouth College (shaonta.allen@dartmouth.edu)
Black Liberation Theology & Black Lives Matter Protest Music
Shaonta' Allen, Dartmouth College (shaonta.allen@dartmouth.edu)
Race, Congregations, and Community Organizing Work
Khari Brown, Wayne State University (kharib@wayne.edu)
Co-Author: Ronald Brown, Wayne State University
Christian Hip Hop and Racialized Formations in Brown Los Angeles
Jonathan Calvillo, Candler School of Theology (jcalvillo@emory.edu)
Paper Session H-5 (SSSR) Religion and Electoral Politics
Room: Butler West
Convener: Jesse Smith, Benedictine College (jesse.smith@benedictine.edu)
Becoming the Stupid Party: Religion and Cognitive and Educational Decline in the Republican Party
Darren Sherkat, Southern Illinois University (sherkat@siu.edu)
Student Religiosity and Civic Engagement at a Christian University
Whitney Bowden, Campbellsville University (wlbowd743@students.campbellsville.edu)
Co-Author: Jonathan May, Campbellsville University
The Role of Religious and Political Characteristics on cross-generation political agreement
Michael Ryan, Baylor University (michael_ryan1@baylor.edu)
Co-Author: ,
Christian Nationalism, Secularism, and Public Opinion
Jesse Smith, Benedictine College (jesse.smith@benedictine.edu)
The Importance of Believing: A Comprehensive Analysis of Religious Beliefs on Moral and Economic Issues
Angela McCarthy, University of Notre Dame (amccar22@nd.edu)
Paper Session H-6 (SSSR) Gender and Well-Being
Room: Somerset East
Convener: Kati Tervo-Niemela, University of Eastern Finland (kati.tervo-niemela@uef.fi)
Explaining the Relationship Between Religion and Body Image: A Qualitative Study among Hindu, Buddhist, and Christian Women
Alyssa Matthews, George Fox University (amatthews21@georgefox.edu)
Disparities Experienced by Black Women, Girls, & Non-conforming
Jashalund Royston, Presbyterian Church (USA) (jashalund.royston@pcusa.org)
Inverted Gender Gap in the Nordic countries: Just bias in the data?
Kati Tervo-Niemela, University of Eastern Finland (kati.tervo-niemela@uef.fi)
Paper Session H-7 (SSSR) Trauma, Burnout, and Well-Being among Religious Leaders: Risk Dynamics and Formative Practices
Room: Westmoreland Central
Organizer: Steven Sandage, Boston University (ssandage@bu.edu)
Multi-Dimensional Dynamics Impacting Burnout, Trauma, and Well-Being of Religious Leaders
Kristen Hydinger, Danielsen Institute, Boston University (kredford@bu.edu)
Co-Author 1: Elise Choe, Danielsen Institute, Boston University
Co-Author 2: Laura Captari, Danielsen Institute, Boston University
Longitudinal Trajectories of Burnout and Well-Being from Religious Leaders before and throughout COVID-19
David Wang, Fuller School of Psychology (davidcwang@fuller.edu)
Preventing Burnout and Promoting Flourishing among Jewish Clergy
Cantor Laura Stein, School of Theology, Boston University (lbstein@bu.edu)
Co-Author 1: Judith Gerstenblith, Boston University
Co-Author 2: Steven Sandage, Boston University
Paper Session H-8 (SSSR) Exploring the Pandemic Impact on Congregations: Virtual Church, Church Hopping, and Racial Reckoning
Room: Fayette
Organizer/Convener: Allison L. Norton, Hartford Institute for Religion Research (anorton@hartfordinternational.edu)
BIPOC churches and the 2020 racial reckoning: Evidence from Black, Latinx, Asian-American, and Multiracial congregations
Daniel Cueto-Villalobos, University of Minnesota (cueto006@umn.edu)
Co-Author: C. Brittany Watts, Hartford Institute for Religion Research
Interrogating the Spiritual Vitality and Identity of Virtual Congregations During and After the Pandemic
Amidu Elabo, Hartford Institute for Religion Research (aelabo@hartfordinternational.edu)
From church hoppers to virtual drifters: Comparative analysis of factors influencing nomadic church attendance during COVID-19 pandemic
Arlie Tagayuna, Lee University (atagayuna@leeuniversity.edu)
Denver Area Congregations in a (Post) Pandemic World: Two Years Later
Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi, Iliff School of Theology (klizardy@iliff.edu)
Co-Author 1: Isabela Leonor Rosales, Iliff School of Theology
Co-Author 2: Gergo Peña-Camprubí, Iliff School of Theology
Paper Session H-10 (RRA) New Directions in Denominational and Evaluation Research on Religion
Room: Butler East
Convener: Petr Cincala, Andrews University (cincala@andrews.edu)
Exploring Discrepant Doctrinal Beliefs: An Analysis of Seventh-day Adventists’ Perspectives on the Holy Spirit and the Trinity
Petr Cincala, Andrews University (cincala@andrews.edu)
Co-Author 1: Rene Drumm, Andrews University
Co-Author 2: Michael Campbell, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists
Culture Change at the ABCUSA Office of the General Secretary
Jeff Woods, American Baptist Churches USA (jeff.woods@abc-usa.org)
Decision-making Worldviews and Academic Achievement Among K-12 Students in Parochial Schools
Udochukwu Oyoyo, Loma Linda University (uoyoyo@llu.edu)
Co-Author 1: Kyungkook Kang, Loma Linda University
Co-Author 2: Elissa Kido, La Sierra University
Thou Shall Not Evaluate?: Contextual Values and Evaluations in Faith-Based Organizations
Injae Son, Western Michigan University (injae.son@wmich.edu)
Paper Session H-11 (RRA) The Religion and (Mental)Health Association: Practical Implications
Room: Westmoreland East
Convener: Brook Harmon, Appalachian State University (harmonbe1@appstate.edu)
Associations between Religious Engagement and Patient Experience in a Large, Urban Healthcare System
Brook Harmon, Appalachian State University (harmonbe1@appstate.edu)
Co-Author 1: Jonathan Lewis, Methodist LeBonheur Healthcare
Co-Author 2: ,
Religious Attendance and Depressive Symptoms Among Older Adults: The Mediating Role of Religious Integration
Mingui Gao, Purdue University (gao700@purdue.edu)
Utilizing Translation Science to Disseminate a Faith-based Home Activity Intervention for Black families affected by dementia
Janelle Gore, Emory University (janelle.e.gore@emory.edu)
Co-Author 1: Fayron Epps, UT Health San Antonio
Co-Author 2: ,
Spiritual Well-Being and Posttraumatic Growth: The Serial Mediating Role of Perceived Stress and Distress Tolerance
Fatumetul Zehra Guldas, Erzincan Binali Yildirim University (zehra.guldas@erzincan.edu.tr)
Co-Author: Mehmet Zeki Goksu, Erzincan Binali Yildirim University
Paper Session H-12 (SSSR+RRA) Emerging Approaches for Theo-Ecclesial Ecologies
Room: Westermoreland West
Organizer: Christopher The, Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (the@ats.edu)
Theological Education for the Future: A Methodological Structure for Collaborative Theological Inquiry
Dustin Benac, Baylor University, Truett Theological Seminary (dustin_benac@baylor.edu)
Co-Author: Juli Kalbaugh, Baylor University, Truett Theological Seminary
Reflexive Practice of Leadership Today for a Responsive Church Tomorrow: Assessing Case-In-Point Leadership Performance in Seminarian Leadership Formation
Summer Mary Krysiak Bittár, St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary (smkrysiakbittar@svdp.edu)
Co-Author: Elvir Ciceklic, St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary
Charting New Horizons: An Emergent Framework for Future-Ready Christian Clergy and Religious Leaders
Joel Murphy, Acadia Divinity College (joel.murphy@acadiau.ca)
Exploring Church Futures: Introducing the Theo-Futures Foresight Mixed-Method Approach
Joel Murphy, Acadia Divinity College (joel.murphy@acadiau.ca)
Co-Author: Oliver Locke, Acadia Divinity College
Paper Session H-13 (RRA) Developments among Catholic Leadership and Parishes in the US and Europe
Room: Lawrence
Convener: Joel Thiessen, Ambrose University (jathiessen@ambrose.edu)
Religious Socialization in the Catholic Parish
Joel Thiessen, Ambrose University (jathiessen@ambrose.edu)
Catholic leadership in Germany: current developments between traditional authority, the Synodal Way and Rome
Veronika Eufinger, Center for Applied Pastoral Research, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany (veronika.eufinger@rub.de)
Co-Author: Miriam Zimmer, Center for Applied Pastoral Research, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
How the U.S. Catholic Bishops Differ over Time and by Theological Orientation in Their Perceived Hopes and Challenges in the U.S. Church
Thomas Gaunt, CARA @ Georgetown University (tpg9@georgetown.edu)
Co-Author: Emma Mitchell, CARA @ Georgetown University
Providing Better Elderly Care to Under-resourced Women Religious Communities
Jonathon Wiggins, CARA at Georgetown University (jonathon.wiggins@gmail.com)
Co-Author 1: Michal Kramarek, CARA at Georgetown University
Co-Author 2: Felice Goodwin, CARA at Georgetown University
Catholic Leaders’ Perspectives on the Development of their Church – A comparison of recent US and European Studies
Miriam Zimmer, University of Bochum (miriam.zimmer@rub.de)
Co-Author: Christopher Jacobi, Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut der EKD & The Catholic University of America
Paper Session H-14 (SSSR) 50 Years of Sociology of Religion and the Future
Room: Somerset West
Organizer/Convener: Pierre Hegy, Adelphi University, Garden City NY 11530 (pierre.hegy@gmail.com)
Author: , ()
Cheryl Townsend Gilkes, Colby College (ctgilkes@colby.edu)
Anthony Stevens-Arroyo, Brooklyn College (stevensa@ptd.net)
Rhys Williams, Loyola University of Chicago (rwilliams7@luc.edu)
Henri Gooren, Oakland University (gooren@oakland.edu)
Pierre Hegy, Adelphi University (pierre.hegy@gmail.com)
Ryan Cragun, University ot Tampa (rcragun@ut.edu)
Ralph Hood, Jr., University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (ralph-hood@utc.edu)
Paper Session H-15 (SSSR) Book Panel: Diné dóó Gáamalii: Navajo Latter-day Saint Experiences in the Twentieth Century
Room: Armstrong
Organizer/Convener: Thomas Murphy, Edmonds College (thomaswmurphy90@gmail.com)
Author: Farina King, University of Oklahoma (farinaking@ou.edu)
Angelo Baca, Rhode Island School of Design (abaca@risd.edu)
Alyssa Calder Hulme, University of Chicago (alyssa.hulme@gmail.com)
Thomas Murphy, Edmonds College (thomaswmurphy90@gmail.com)
Saturday, October 19, 5:45 PM - 7:00 PM
SSSR Awards and Presidential Address:- Antiracism as Inclusivity: The Racial Justice Paradigm of White Progressive Churches
Room: August Wilson Center
Saturday, October 19, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
SSSR Presidential Reception - SSSR Presidential Reception
Room: August Wilson Center
Sunday, October 20, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Breakfast- Multidisciplinary Scholars of Race and Religion Breakfast
Room: Fayette
Sunday, October 20, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Coffee- Morning Coffee, sponsored by RRA
Room: Rotunda Foyer
Sunday, October 20, 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Registration - Sunday- Registration
Room: Rotunda Foyer
Sunday, October 20, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Paper Session I-1 (SSSR) Racialized Religious Differences
Room: Washington
Convener: LaDarius Beck, Baylor University (ladarius_beck1@baylor.edu)
The Legacy of W.A. Criswell and Indian American Christianity
Binu Varghese, Princeton Theological Seminary (binuvarghesem@gmail.com)
Co-Author: ,
Considering Differing Religious Effects on Racial Attitudes: Examining Variation Across Asian Americans
Michael Ryan, Baylor University (michael_ryan1@baylor.edu)
Co-Author 1: Daniel Jang, Baylor University
Co-Author 2: ,
Religious Involvement, Race/Ethnicity, and Mental Health: Exploring the Black-White Mental Health Paradox
Colton Daniels, St. Mary's University (cdaniels4@stmarytx.edu)
Co-Author 1: Eric Shattuck, Florida State University
Co-Author 2: Xiaohe Xu, University of Texas at San Antonio
Is Gun Ownership Racialized: An Examination Through the Lens of Denominational Affiliation
LaDarius Beck, Baylor University (ladarius_beck1@baylor.edu)
Race and Religion: Current Paradigms and New Developments
Simanjit Steel, University of Memphis (s.steel@memphis.edu)
Paper Session I-2 (SSSR) Religion and Consumer Practices
Room: Cambria East
Convener: Ilana Horwitz, Tulane University (ihorwitz@tulane.edu)
An Investigation on Consumer Religiosity and Shopping Attitude
Ayşenur Barak, Ibn Haldun University, Istanbul (abarak@iu.edu)
Co-Author: Hasan Kaplan, Ibn Haldun University, Istanbul
The Present and Future of Muslim Geographies of Consumption in Philadelphia
Max Dugan, Kenyon College (max.j.dugan@gmail.com)
A Jew Who Coupons: Exploring the Dynamics of Socioeconomic Status, Family Structure, and Gender in American Jewish Life
Ilana Horwitz, Tulane University (ihorwitz@tulane.edu)
Co-Author: ,
Spiritual Capitalism and Mexican Care—Transmodern Logics of Multilevel Marketing among Oaxacan Pentecostals
Michelle Ramirez, Saint Joseph's University (mramirez@sju.edu)
Paper Session I-3 (SSSR) Religious Diversity and Social Capital
Room: Cambria West
Convener: Elis Carlberg Larsson, Linköping University (elis.carlberg.larsson@liu.se)
The Rise and Decline of Churches: The Role of Social Influence in the Membership Decline of the Swedish Lutheran Church
Elis Carlberg Larsson, Institute for Analytical Sociology, Linköping University (elis.carlberg.larsson@liu.se)
Co-Author: Peter Hedström, Institute for Analytical Sociology, Linköping University
Religious Bridging and Bonding in Social Networks. New Evidence from a Cross-national Comparison
Lena Arnold, Mannheim Center for European Social Research (MZES), University of Mannheim (lena.arnold@uni-mannheim.de)
Co-Author: Richard Traunmueller, School of Social Sciences, University of Mannheim
Moralized Ancestor and the Spirit of Trust
Lang Luo, Wuhan University, China (langluo@whu.edu.cn)
Paper Session I-4 (SSSR) Religious Practices
Room: Crawford West
Convener: Khanh Pham, Rowan University (phamkh43@students.rowan.edu)
"It's a lifting up": Black men's perceptions of the similarities between spirituality and mind-body-spirit practices
Khanh Pham, Rowan University (phamkh43@students.rowan.edu)
Co-Author 1: Jonathan Lassiter, Rowan University
Co-Author 2: ,
From Prayer to Violent Prayer: A Study of the Shift in Mainline and Pentecostal Prayers in Nigeria
Benson Ohihon Igboin, Adekunle Ajasin University (benson.igboin@aaua.edu.ng)
‘Socialized Language of Prayer’; Discourse on Syrian Christian Family in Kerala
Anupama Ar, S. H. College (anupama226@gmail.com)
Therapeutic Esoteric Meditation: Tulpamancy as a Secular Spirituality
Luca Del Deo, Harvard University (lucadeldeo@mac.com)
Prayer as Interaction: A Quantitative Content Analysis Using the Database of Religious History
Jennifer Singletary, Pennsylvania State University (jsingletary@psu.edu)
Co-Author 1: Brandon Brown, Baylor University
Co-Author 2: Daniel Falk, Pennsylvania State University
Paper Session I-5 (SSSR) Religious Sites
Room: Butler West
Convener: Robert Reynolds, Weber State University (rreynolds@weber.edu)
Globalization, National Identity, and Religious Pilgrimage
Robert Reynolds, Weber State University (rreynolds@weber.edu)
Interrogating Urban Management and the Establishment of Religious Centers In Nigeria
Oluwatomisin Talabi, University of South Wales, London (oluwatomirewa97@gmail.com)
Co-Author: Ojo Rapheal, Federal University Lokoka, Nigeria
Muslim Cemetery as Place Making Amidst Rising Ethnonationlism in the United States
Sharmin Sadequee, City University of New York (anthropeace@gmail.com)
Landscape of Shamanism in Korea
Jungsun Kim, Purdue University (kim929@purdue.edu)
Co-Author: Yuanfei Li, Shanghai University
Paper Session I-7 (RRA) The Divine Pulse Project (DPP): Exploring Life, Death, and the Pursuit of “Greatness” in Contemporary Canadian Churches
Room: Lawrence
Organizer: Christopher The, Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (the@ats.edu)
Finding “Greatness” in Canadian Congregations
Elizabeth Millar, Canadian Institute for Empirical Church Research | Wycliffe College, University of Toronto (elizabeth.millar@utoronto.ca)
Examining the Markers of Church Decline: An Empirical Study on the Trajectories of Congregational Death and Survival
Wing Wong, Canadian Institute for Empirical Church Research | Wycliffe College, University of Toronto (emailwing.wong@wycliffe.utoronto.ca)
Exploring Church Planting in Canada: Trajectories of Sustainability
James Watson, Canadian Institute for Empirical Church Research | Wycliffe College, University of Toronto (james.watson@wycliffe.utoronto.ca)
Uncovering Major Trends and Congregational Typologies in Canadian Churches: Big-data and AI in Empirical Church Studies
Scott Mealey, Canadian Institute for Empirical Church Research | Wycliffe College, University of Toronto Scarborough (scott.mealey@utoronto.ca)
Co-Author: Stephen Hewko, Canadian Institute for Empirical Church Research | Wycliffe College, University of Toronto
Paper Session I-8 (SSSR) Warring Against Principalities and Powers: The Undue Influence of Spiritual Warfare in Contemporary Politics
Room: Butler East
Organizer: André Gagné, Concordia University (Montréal, Canada) (andre.gagne@concordia.ca)
“Our Problem is Spiritual, not Political”: Performing ‘Violent Prayers’ in Trying Times
Abimbola Adelakun, University of Texas, Austin (adelakun@austin.utexas.edu)
Exporting Spiritual Warfare: American Missionaries and the New Apostolic Reformation in Haiti
Elizabeth McAlister, Wesleyan University, Connecticut (emcalister@wesleyan.edu)
Godly Men and Fierce Warriors: Spiritual Warfare in Christian Men’s Literature
Zackari Bourgeois, Concordia University (Montréal, Canada) (zackaribourgeois@gmail.com)
From Personal Struggle to Demonizing Politics: Exploring Spiritual Warfare as a Metaphysical Conspiracy
André Gagné, Concordia University (Montréal, Canada) (andre.gagne@concordia.ca)
Paper Session I-9 (SSSR) Identity Constructions and Change in the Catholic Church
Room: Crawford East
Organizer: Lucas Sharma, UC San Diego (lsharma@ucsd.edu)
Cultural Catholics: Parish Life and Church Leadership
Maureen Day, USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture (maureen@daypalermo.com)
Evidence of LGBTQ+ Inclusion in America’s Largest Church: A Social Movements Perspective on Successes in Catholic Institutions
James Cavendish, University of South Florida (jcavendi@usf.edu)
Internalizing Catholic Shame: Differences between Former and Practicing Catholic Gay Men
Lucas Sharma, UC San Diego (lsharma@ucsd.edu)
Social Construction of Race: The Troubles in Northern Ireland
Tia Noelle Pratt, Villanova University (tia.pratt@villanova.edu)
Paper Session I-10 (SSSR) Religious discrimination against Jews in the past, present and future
Room: Westermoreland West
Organizer: Ariela Keysar, Trinity College (akeysar@aol.com)
How Experiencing Anti-Semitism/Zionism Shapes Engagement with Jewish Peers and Communities
Simon Brauer, University of Michigan (sgbrauer@umich.edu)
On campus, “anti-Zionism quickly became anti-Semitism”
Ariela Keysar, Trinity College (akeysar@aol.com)
Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism
Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, University of Haifa (benny@psy.haifa.ac.il)
Jewish parentage and perceptions and experiences of antisemitism
Bruce A Phillips, Hebrew Union College (baphucusc@gmail.com)
Paper Session I-11 (RRA) Religion in Online Spaces
Room: Westmoreland East
Convener: Clara Gaddie, University of Notre Dame (cgaddie@nd.edu)
Online Space and Religious Transition
Clara Gaddie, University of Notre Dame (cgaddie@nd.edu)
Religion in the conditions of digitalization in Poland
Ewa Stachowska, University of Warsaw (ewa.stachowska@uw.edu.pl)
Co-Author: ,
The Mainline Online: Measuring a River of Worship Streams – An Interim Report
Christopher Suehr, Gettysburg College (cjsuehr@gmail.com)
Examining the latent values of media and faith: An analysis of evangelical Internet streaming
Jim Trammell, High Point University (jim@highpoint.edu)
Paper Session I-12 (SSSR) Book Panel: The Devil Sat on my Bed: Encounters with the Spirit World in Mormon Utah
Room: Somerset West
Organizer/Convener: Thomas Murphy, Edmonds College (thomaswmurphy90@gmail.com)
Author: Erin Stiles, University of Nevada, Reno (estiles@unr.edu)
Jason Palmer, Independent Researcher (jasoncharlespalmer@hotmail.com)
Katryn Davis, University of Nevada, Reno (katryndavis@nevada.unr.edu)
Cyrus Simper, University of Utah (u1540312@utah.edu)
Adam Dunstan, Kenai Peninsula College (adunstan@alaska.edu)
Paper Session I-13 (SSSR) Post-Pandemic Health and Wellness: Clergy and the Public
Room: Westmoreland Central
Organizer/Convener: Scott Thumma, Hartford Institute for Religion Research (sthumma@hartfordinternational.edu)
Exploration of the US Public Health and Wellness Reality from the Global Flourishing Study
Katelyn Long, Harvard University, Human Flourishing Program (knlong@fas.harvard.edu)
Institutional Trust and Well-Being among Catholic Clergy
Brandon Vaidyanathan, The Catholic University of America (brandonv@cua.edu)
The Congregational Contextual Impact on Clergy Health and Wellness
Scott Thumma, Hartford Institute for Religion Research (sthumma@hartfordinternational.edu)
Co-Author: Charissa Mikoski, Hartford Institute for Religion Research
Exploring Compassion Fatigue of Clergies and Key Church Leaders: Impacts, Coping Strategies, and the COVID-19
Arlie Tagayuna, Lee University (atagayuna@leeuniversity.edu)
Paper Session I-14 (SSSR) Religious Racial Identity
Room: Armstrong
Convener: Valentina Cantori, University of Southern California (cantori@usc.edu)
Double Consciousness: Full Inclusion for the Muslim American!
Mark Gould, Haverford College (mgould@haverford.edu)
Inclusion Projects: Muslim Advocates Imagining Civic Membership in U.S. Public Life
Valentina Cantori, University Of Southern California (cantori@usc.edu)
What a paradox! The pandemic experience as a challenge for overcoming stereotypes on religious identities
Roberta Ricucci, University of Turin (roberta.ricucci@unito.it)
Co-Author: ,
Complicating American Islam: Community Self-Narration and Authenticity
Christine Sheikh, Metropolitan State University of Denver (christinesheikh@gmail.com)
Sunday, October 20, 10:40 AM - 12:10 PM
Paper Session J-1 (SSSR) Theorizing Religion
Room: Armstrong
Convener: Joseph Baker, East Tennessee State University (bakerjo@etsu.edu)
What Xunzi Sees that Durkheim Doesn’t – Social Con/Decon/ReconStruction Through Ritual
Lawrence A. Whitney, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution (lawrence.whitney.lc@gmail.com)
Co-Author: Becky Yang Hsu, Georgetown University
Religion as Social Control: Revising a Classical Theoretical Paradigm in the Study of Religion
Joseph Baker, East Tennessee State University (bakerjo@etsu.edu)
Co-Author: ,
A Discussion about the what, when, and how of religious change in a liminal era
Nathan R. Kollar, St. John Fisher University (nkollar@yahoo.com)
Paper Session J-2 (SSSR) Religious Messaging
Room: Cambria East
Convener: Levi Sands, University of Iowa (levi-sands@uiowa.edu)
Endorse or Expostulate: Examining African Episcopates’ Reactions to Fiducia Supplicans and their Catholic Identity
Twange Kasoma, Appalachian State University (twange.kasoma@gmail.com)
US Gubernatorial Politics and Use of Religious Rhetoric
Levi Sands, University of Iowa (levi-sands@uiowa.edu)
Co-Author: ,
Pope Francis as an influential leader? How papal statements affect public attitudes toward anti-poverty measures
Riccardo Ladini, University of Milan (riccardo.ladini@unimi.it)
Co-Author: Lucia Faggiana, University of Milan
Faithful Leadership: Analyzing the Influence of Speaker Mike Johnson’s Religious Identity in the House
Julianna Thomson, George Mason University (jthomso4@gmu.edu)
Co-Author: Alena Smith, Stanford University
Paper Session J-3 (SSSR) Religion and Contemporary Wars
Room: Cambria West
Convener: Mansoor Moaddel, University of Maryland College Park (moaddel@umd.edu)
The terror of October 7 in Israel and the challenge to democracy from within and without
Mansoor Moaddel, University of Maryland - College Park (moaddel@umd.edu)
American Christianity and the Gaza War
Yaakov Ariel, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (yariel@email.unc.edu)
Ties That Bind: Humanitarian Missionary Links Between the West and Ukraine
Andy Bunnell, University College London (andrew.bunnell@cantab.net)
War between Israel and Hamas: An American Media Perspective
Dunja Arandjelovic, Clemson University (arandjelovicd96@gmail.com)
Co-Author: Sibongile Majola, Clemson University
Paper Session J-4 (SSSR) Conceptions of Spirituality
Room: Crawford West
Convener: Jesus Valero, (javalero@uva.es)
Religiosity and spirituality in Europe. Abandonment of Christian beliefs and increase of new believers of other religions.
Jesus Valero, Universidad de Valladolid (javalero@uva.es)
Spirituality Among Americans
Becka Alper, Pew Research Center (balper@pewresearch.org)
Spirituality as Morality and Civic/Political Engagement in the US since COVID-19
Ruiqian Li, Purdue University (li4985@purdue.edu)
Co-Author: Corey Resweber, Purdue University
Cultural Packages of Spirituality in Secularizing Societies: Using the Mysterious Past and the Mercurial Present to Peer into the Misty Future
Wesley J. Wildman, Boston University (wwildman@bu.edu)
Co-Author: ,
Coping with Chaos: The role of religion and spirituality in explaining suffering
Mallory Harrington, University of Minnesota (harr3077@umn.edu)
Co-Author 1: Lena Kunjan, University of Minnesota
Co-Author 2: Nick Dickens, University of Minnesota
Co-Author 3: Penny Edgell, University of Minnesota
Paper Session J-5 (SSSR) Religious Rhetoric and Right-Wing Politics
Room: Butler West
Convener: Anthony Albanese, Pennsylvania State University (aka5972@psu.edu)
What Type of Order? Right-Wing Populist Rhetoric, Civilizational Religiosity, and the Presence of God
Anthony Albanese, Pennsylvania State University (aka5972@psu.edu)
Back to What? Spiritual Dualism in the American Far Right
Jesse Bryant, Yale University (jesse.bryant@yale.edu)
Problematizing the ‘White Evangelical’ Monolith: Evidence from the Rural Midwest
Jessamin Birdsall, Regent College (jbirdsall@regent-college.edu)
Disentangling Christian Nationalism, American Civil Religion, and Patriotism
Stephen Mockabee, University of Cincinnati (stephen.mockabee@uc.edu)
Paper Session J-7 (SSSR) Examining the Rights and Practices of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Japan in the Context of “Second-Generation” Controversies
Room: Fayette
Organizer/Convener: James T. Richardson, University of Nevada, Reno (retired) (jtr@unr.edu)
Analysis of Two Investigative Reports of the Religious Practices of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Japan
Holly Folk, Western Washington University (folkh@wwu.edu)
A Nationwide Study of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Japan – Part 1: Background, Rationale, and Study Design
Xiaojun Hu, Independent scholar (huxiaojun.umr@gmail.com)
Co-Author: Jolene Chu, Jehovah's Witnesses World Headquarters
A Nationwide Study of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Japan – Part 2: Research Methodology and Selected Findings
James T. Richardson, University of Nevada, Reno (retired) (jtr@unr.edu)
Co-Author: Stuart A. Wright, Lamar University
Paper Session J-8 (SSSR) Exploring Nonreligion
Room: Lawrence
Organizer/Convener: Ryan Cragun, University of Tampa (ryantcragun@gmail.com)
Systems of Global Meaning in Atheists and Believers: Divergent World Beliefs, Sources of Meaning and Values
Crystal Park, University of Connecticut (crystal.park@uconn.edu)
Exploring the Intersection of Religion, Non-Religion and Nature Advocacy
Kati Tervo-Niemela, University of Eastern Finland (kati.tervo-niemela@uef.fi)
Distinct Nonreligious Views on the Environment
Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme, University of Waterloo (sarah.wilkins-laflamme@uwaterloo.ca)
Co-Author: Lauren Strumos, University of Ottawa
Comparing Exiters and Never Religious to the Religious in Eight Countries
Ryan Cragun, University of Tampa (ryantcragun@gmail.com)
Paper Session J-9 (SSSR) The Catholic-Right in the Post-Secular Age
Room: Crawford East
Organizer/Convener: Sarah Louise MacMillen, Duquesne University (macmillens@duq.edu)
True Catholic Politics: Integralism Online?
Matthew T. Loveland, LeMoyne College (lovelam@lemoyne.edu)
From the Empty Promise of Certainty to an Aesthetics of Mystery: Understanding the Allure of Traditionalist Worship
Sean Thomas, Palm Beach Atlantic University (seanthomas.theology@gmail.com)
Anti-Enlightenment Thought in Conservative Catholicism
Dominic Wetzel, City University of New York (dominic.wetzel@kbcc.cuny.edu)
Paper Session J-10 (SSSR) Book Panel: Forever Familias: Race, Gender, and Indigeneity in Peruvian Mormonism
Room: Somerset West
Organizer/Convener: Thomas Murphy, Edmonds College (thomaswmurphy90@gmail.com)
Author: Jason Palmer, Independent Researcher (jasoncharlespalmer@hotmail.com)
Sujey Vega, Arizona State University (sujey.vega@asu.edu)
Erin Stiles, University of Nevada, Reno (estiles@unr.edu)
David Knowlton, Utah Valley University (dknowlton@uvu.edu)
Daniel Hernandez, Independent Researcher (dh.winaq@gmail.com)
Paper Session J-11 (SSSR) Book Panel: In This Place Called Prison: Women's Religious Life in the Shadow of Punishment
Room: Washington
Organizer/Convener: Tricia Bruce, Springtide Research Institute (triciabruce@gmail.com)
Author: Rachel Ellis, University of Maryland (ellisr@umd.edu)
Orit Avishai, Fordham University (avishai@fordham.edu)
Jeffrey Guhin, UCLA (guhin@soc.ucla.edu)
Amanda Napior, Boston University (amandagn@bu.edu)
Edward Flores, University of California, Merced (eflores52@ucmerced.edu)
Sabina Vaught, University of Pittsburgh (svaught@pitt.edu)
Paper Session J-12 (SSSR) Islam in AKP’s “New Turkey”: Intersecting Discourses of Religion, Identity, and Governance
Room: Butler East
Organizer/Convener: Seda Baykal, University of Pittsburgh (seb198@pitt.edu)
Redefining Urban Based on Islam: The Concept of Şehir in the Works of Lütfi Bergen
Fatma Murat Elmacıoğlu, Bilkent University (fnmuratt@gmail.com)
A Muslim Feminist NGO: The Case of Havle Women’s Association in Turkey
Zeynep Önal Aytac, Bilkent University (zeynepponal@gmail.com)
The Evolution of Islamic Intellectualism in Turkey: From Ottoman Ulama to AKP Era
Seda Baykal, University of Pittsburgh (seb198@pitt.edu)
Abbott, Erika: Paper Session D-12
Abdelhadi, Eman: Paper Session B-6, Paper Session G-15
Adasi, Grace: Paper Session D-7
Adedara, Oluwasefunmi Lydia: Paper Session B-4
Adeel, Abdul Basit: Paper Session F-3
Adelakun, Abimbola: Paper Session I-8
Adeyinka-Skold, Sarah: Paper Session G-6
Adler, Gary: Paper Session A-15
Ahmad, Salman: Paper Session D-5
Ajige, Akolo: Paper Session F-6
Albanese, Anthony: Paper Session J-5
Allen, Levi: Paper Session F-4, Paper Session G-4
Allen, Shaonta: Paper Session H-4
Allen, Shaonta': Paper Session A-15, Paper Session H-4
Alper, Becka: Paper Session J-4
Alvarez, Claudia: Paper Session A-6
Ammerman, Nancy: Paper Session F-14, Paper Session G-15
Anchil, Alesha: Paper Session H-2
Anderson, Bradley: Paper Session F-7
Anderson, Cory: Paper Session A-14, Paper Session B-13
Anderson, Larisa: Paper Session G-12
Andre, Nick: Paper Session D-9
Andrews, William: Paper Session B-2
Apaydin, Fadime: Paper Session D-1, Paper Session E-5
Aponte, Edwin: Paper Session A-1
Ar, Anupama: Paper Session I-4
Arandjelovic, Dunja: Paper Session J-3
Arcaro, Thomas: Paper Session F-8
Ariel, Yaakov: Paper Session J-3
Arnold, Lena: Paper Session I-3
Arrowood, Robert: Paper Session B-2, Paper Session G-3
Asobee, Marc: Paper Session E-8
Atac, Ibrahim Enes: Paper Session F-3
Avishai, Orit: Paper Session B-15, Paper Session D-10, Paper Session J-11
Baca, Angelo: Paper Session H-15
Bacon, Rachel: Paper Session H-3
Bailey, Karl: Paper Session B-14, Paper Session D-8, Paper Session G-8
Baker, Joseph: Paper Session E-14, Paper Session J-1
Balasa, Logan: Paper Session D-11
Balchj, John: Paper Session G-3
Baltazar, Alina: Paper Session B-14, Paper Session D-8
Barak, Ayşenur: Paper Session I-2
Barry, David: Paper Session G-4
Baykal, Seda: Paper Session J-12
Beck, LaDarius: Paper Session I-1
Beck, Sedefka: Paper Session A-3
Begum, Popy: Graduate Student Session-, Paper Session C-3, Paper Session G-9
Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin: Paper Session D-3, Paper Session I-10
Belt, Michael: Paper Session H-2
Benac, Dustin: Paper Session H-12
Beyerlein, Kraig: Paper Session B-12, SSSR Presidential Panel:-
Biolcati, Ferruccio: Paper Session A-8
Bird, Warren: Paper Session A-12
Birdsall, Jessamin: Paper Session J-5
Blankholm, Joseph: Paper Session B-7, SSSR Presidential Panel:-
Bock, Sean: Paper Session D-12
Bódi, Mátyás: Paper Session A-9
Boler, Hannah: Paper Session A-13
Bourgeois, Zackari: Paper Session I-8
Bowden, Whitney: Paper Session H-5
Bracey, Glenn: Paper Session E-13
Brahma, Roshni: Paper Session H-1
Brauer, Simon: Paper Session D-15, Paper Session I-10
Braunstein, Ruth: Paper Session A-15, Paper Session C-13, Paper Session D-10
Brink, T.L.: Paper Session G-2
Brodersen, Donka: Paper Session A-3
Brown, Brandon: Paper Session I-4
Brown, Khari: Paper Session H-4
Brown, Ronald: Paper Session H-4
Bruce, Tricia: Paper Session J-11
Bryant, Jesse: Paper Session J-5
Buckley, David: Paper Session A-10, Paper Session C-13, Paper Session D-14
Bunnell, Andy: Paper Session J-3
Burke, Emily: Paper Session E-3, Paper Session G-5
Burke, Kelsy: Paper Session B-15, Paper Session C-14, Paper Session D-10
Buteau, Emmanuel: Paper Session G-1
Cadge, Wendy: Paper Session B-12, Paper Session C-12, Paper Session E-4, Paper Session G-5
Caine-Conley, Brittany aka Smash: Paper Session D-4
Calatrava, María Calatrava: Paper Session B-3
Calder Hulme, Alyssa: Paper Session G-13, Paper Session H-15
Call, El: Paper Session F-7
Callizo, Carmen: Paper Session B-3
Calvillo, Jonathan: Paper Session F-12, Paper Session H-4
Campbell, Bradley: Paper Session F-2
Campbell, Michael: Paper Session H-10
Cantori, Valentina: Paper Session I-14
Cao, Vy: Paper Session E-7, Paper Session G-8
Captari, Laura: Paper Session H-7
Carlberg Larsson, Elis: Paper Session I-3
Casanova, José: Paper Session C-13
Cavendish, James: Paper Session I-9
Caviness, Haley: Paper Session B-2
Chalfoun, Andrew: Paper Session D-7
Chang, Charles: Paper Session B-11
Chapman, Amy: Paper Session B-10
Chapman, Mark: Paper Session C-2
Chen, Zhuo Job: Paper Session C-11
Chiappari, Chris: Paper Session A-6, Paper Session B-5
Choe, Elise: Paper Session H-7
Christophe, Monnot: Paper Session C-6
Chu, Jolene: Paper Session J-7
Chvaja, Radim: Paper Session B-13
Ciceklic, Elvir: Paper Session H-12
Cincala, Petr: Paper Session E-12, Paper Session G-8, Paper Session H-10
Clark, Alyssa: Paper Session H-2
Clark, Angel: Paper Session F-10, Paper Session G-12
Clay, Eugene: Paper Session A-9
Coats, Taylor: Paper Session D-6
Cobb, Ryon: Paper Session F-12
Coe, Deborah: Paper Session D-2
Cohen Kovacs, Gilad: Paper Session A-9
Colin, Mathieu: Paper Session A-4
Collins, Sandra: Paper Session E-9
Colyer, Corey: Paper Session A-11
Conrad, Matthew: Paper Session A-14
Cooler, Windy: Paper Session F-1
Coombs, Kyle: Paper Session E-10
Cooperman, Alan: Paper Session D-12
Corcoran, Katie: Paper Session A-11
Cragun, Ryan: Paper Session D-15, Paper Session H-14, Paper Session J-8
Cragun, Ryan T.: Paper Session E-14
Cretacci, Michael: Paper Session E-7, Paper Session H-2
Crumley, Linda: Paper Session C-5
Cueto-Villalobos, Daniel: Graduate Student Session-, Paper Session H-8
Culton, Kenneth: Paper Session C-4
Currier, Joseph: Paper Session B-3
Daniels, Colton: Paper Session I-1
Danielsen, Sabrina: Paper Session E-3
Dar, Nasib: Paper Session A-3
Dary, Claudia: Paper Session A-6
Davis, Edward: Paper Session B-3
Davis, Joshua: Paper Session C-3, Paper Session G-9
Davis, Katryn: Paper Session I-12
Day, Katie: Paper Session B-12
Day, Maureen: Paper Session F-13, Paper Session I-9
Dean Stewart, Spencer: Paper Session B-10
Deasy, Jo Ann: Paper Session E-9
Del Deo, Luca: Paper Session I-4
Delehanty, Jack: Paper Session A-15, Paper Session B-15
Desmond, Scott: Paper Session E-7
Dhali, Helal Hossain: Paper Session F-2
Dickens, Nick: Paper Session J-4
Djupe, Paul: Paper Session F-5, Paper Session G-15
Do, Thu: Paper Session D-2
Dodson, Jualynne: Paper Session A-13
Dollhopf, Erica: Paper Session E-12, Paper Session G-11
Dougherty, Kevin: Paper Session C-7
Drumm, Rene: Paper Session C-5, Paper Session E-12, Paper Session F-8, Paper Session G-8, Paper Session H-10
Dugan, Max: Paper Session I-2
Dugandzic, Audra: Paper Session F-13
Dunstan, Adam: Paper Session I-12
Eagle, David: Paper Session D-13, Paper Session E-8, Paper Session F-10
Ecklund, Elaine: RRA H. Paul Douglass Lecture:-
Ecklund, Elaine H.: Paper Session A-1, Paper Session B-1, Paper Session E-2, RRA H. Paul Douglass Lecture:-
Ecklund, Elaine Howard: Paper Session A-1
Edgell, Penny: Paper Session J-4
Edman, Laird: Paper Session C-2
Edwards, Korie Little: Paper Session C-7
Edwards, Laura: Paper Session H-2
Elabo, Amidu: Paper Session H-8
Ellis, Rachel: Paper Session J-11
Elster, Eli: Paper Session H-3
Emerson, Michael: Paper Session C-7, Paper Session E-13, Paper Session F-12, RRA H. Paul Douglass Lecture:-
Epps, Fayron: Paper Session H-11
Esquivel, Juan Cruz: Paper Session E-1
Eufinger, Veronika: Paper Session G-4, Paper Session H-13
Evans, Hannah: Paper Session F-11, Paper Session G-11
Evans, Jonathan: Paper Session B-7
Evans, Nicholas: Paper Session C-4
Exline, Julie: Paper Session F-5
Faggiana, Lucia: Paper Session J-2
Falk, Daniel: Paper Session I-4
Fehrmann, Paul: Paper Session B-4
Ferguson, Todd: Paper Session B-1, Paper Session E-4
Fernandez Morales, Roberto: Paper Session E-5
Feyas, Emma: Paper Session G-7
Fincham, Frank: Paper Session B-3
Fisher, Nathan: Paper Session D-5
Fitzgerald, Caitlin: Paper Session G-2
Flores, Edward: Paper Session J-11
Flory, Richard: Paper Session E-4, Paper Session F-14
Folk, Holly: Paper Session J-7
Frey, Regina: Paper Session A-2
Froehle, Bryan T.: Paper Session C-13
Frost, Jacqui: Graduate Student Session-, Paper Session C-14
Fuist, Todd Nicholas: Paper Session F-15
Furr, Kelly: Paper Session G-13
Gaddie, Clara: Paper Session I-11
Gaghan, Josh: Paper Session C-5, Paper Session E-9
Gagné, André: Paper Session I-8
Gao, Mingui: Paper Session G-5, Paper Session H-11
Gault, Erika: Paper Session E-15, Paper Session G-12
Gaunt, Thomas: Paper Session H-13
Gerstenblith, Judith: Paper Session H-7
Gin, Deborah: Paper Session E-9
Gladwin, Ryan: Paper Session G-7
Glazier, Stephen: Paper Session F-6
Godo, Natsuko: Paper Session B-11
Goksu, Mehmet Zeki: Paper Session H-11
Golole, Adan Jarso: Paper Session C-1
Gonzalez, Kameron: Paper Session F-7
Goodwin, Felice: Paper Session H-13
Gooren, Henri: Paper Session A-6, Paper Session B-5, Paper Session H-14
Gore, Janelle: Paper Session H-11
Gould, Mark: Paper Session I-14
Greenhalgh, Spencer: Paper Session B-10
Gross, Toomas: Paper Session G-6
Guhin, Jeff: Paper Session F-15
Guhin, Jeffrey: Paper Session J-11
Guldas, Fatumetul Zehra: Paper Session H-11
Guth, James: Paper Session F-4
Güvenç, Muna: Paper Session C-12
Hackett, Conrad: Paper Session C-10, Paper Session D-12, Paper Session G-15
Haggard, Brian: Paper Session D-12
Hargrove, Tara: Paper Session C-5
Harmon, Brook: Paper Session H-11
Harrington, Mallory: Paper Session J-4
Hayes, Brenna: Paper Session D-11
Heath, Courtney: Paper Session E-3
Hedström, Peter: Paper Session I-3
Hegy, Pierre: Paper Session H-14
Heil, Jax: Paper Session D-6
Hemming, Peter: Paper Session B-8
Henderson, Andrea: Paper Session B-1, Paper Session E-2
Hendricks, Justin: Paper Session E-8
Henne, Peter: Paper Session A-10, Paper Session B-9, Paper Session D-14
Hernandez, Amanda: Paper Session D-9
Hernandez, Daniel: Paper Session J-10
Herzog, Albert: Paper Session D-8
Herzog, Patricia Snell: Paper Session D-9
Hewko, Stephen: Paper Session I-7
Hicks, Darrin: Paper Session F-9
Hirono, Tatsushi: Paper Session E-2
Holder Rich, Cynthia: Paper Session F-1
Holleman, Anna: Paper Session D-13, Paper Session E-9, Paper Session F-10, Paper Session G-7
Hollinger, David: Paper Session G-14
Holtmann, Catherine: Paper Session F-14
Hood, Jr., Ralph: Paper Session D-3, Paper Session H-14
Hope, Meredith: Paper Session G-12, Paper Session H-2
Horwitz, Ilana: Paper Session F-15, Paper Session I-2
Houseal, Rich: Paper Session G-11
House-Niamke, Stephanie: Paper Session D-4
Hout, Michael: Paper Session D-12
Howlett, David: Paper Session F-7
Hsu, Becky Yang: Paper Session C-13, Paper Session J-1
Hu, Xiaojun: Paper Session J-7
Hussain, Hinna: Paper Session C-8
Hwang, Woosang: Paper Session B-7
Hydinger, Kristen: Paper Session H-7
Igboin, Benson Ohihon: Paper Session I-4
Inanoglu, Hale: Paper Session D-2
Irby, Courtney Ann: Paper Session B-15, Paper Session F-15
Ishabiyi, Anthonia: Paper Session H-2
Jacobi, Christopher: Paper Session H-13
Jamal, Aamir: Paper Session E-8
Jamal, Danial: Paper Session E-8
James, Molly: Paper Session E-12
Jameson, Gerard: Paper Session G-1
Jang, Daniel: Paper Session I-1
Jeremy, Senn: Paper Session C-6
Ji, Chang-Ho: Paper Session E-7, Paper Session G-8
Jindra, Ines W.: Paper Session C-4
Johnson, Elizabeth: Paper Session A-3, Paper Session C-2
Johnson, Gracie: Paper Session B-2, Paper Session G-3
Johnson, Madeline: Paper Session B-12
Johnston, Erin: Paper Session B-15, Paper Session F-10, Paper Session G-7
Jones-Bey, Hassaun: Paper Session G-1
Jung, Jihye: Paper Session D-7
Kalbaugh, Juli: Paper Session H-12
Kalinowski, Brenton: Paper Session A-1, Paper Session B-1, Paper Session E-2
Kamenetz, Zac: Paper Session D-5
Kang, Kyungkook: Paper Session H-10
Kaplan, Hasan: Paper Session I-2
Karipek, Asena: Paper Session F-5
Kasoma, Twange: Paper Session J-2
Kasun, Paul: Paper Session C-1
Kazyak, Emily: Paper Session C-14
Keller, Yehudis: Paper Session F-5
Kelley, Katheryn: Paper Session B-4, Paper Session H-2
Kemp (they/them), David: Paper Session F-1
Kemp, Kayla: Paper Session B-8
Kent, Blake: Paper Session E-8
Keysar, Ariela: Paper Session C-10, Paper Session I-10
Khalaj, Sara: Paper Session H-2
Kheir, Sawsan: Paper Session A-8
Kido, Elissa: Paper Session H-10
Kihuha, Mary Wanjiku: Paper Session G-1
Kim, Jungsun: Paper Session B-11, Paper Session I-5
Kim, Rebecca: Paper Session E-13
Kim, Seungju: Paper Session G-7
King, Farina: Paper Session H-15
King, Isaiah: Paper Session F-11
Kirk, James: Paper Session F-4, Paper Session G-4
Kitchens, Michael: Paper Session G-3
Klein and Susie Tanchel, Daniel: Paper Session F-10
Klocek, Jason: Paper Session B-9
Knowlton, David: Paper Session J-10
Kollar, Nathan R.: Paper Session J-1
Kornelson, Emily: Paper Session B-4
Kovac, Hannah: Paper Session D-11
Kramarek, Michal: Paper Session H-13
Kraus, Rachel: Paper Session G-2
Kressel, Neil: Paper Session D-11, Paper Session E-7
Krindatch, Alexei: Paper Session E-12
Krull, Laura: Paper Session F-3
Krysiak Bittár, Summer Mary: Paper Session H-12
Kunjan, Lena: Paper Session J-4
Kuran, Timur: Paper Session G-14
Kwadwo Asuming, Joseph: Paper Session F-6
Ladd, Kevin: Paper Session D-11, Paper Session F-9
Laderi, Jennifer: Paper Session C-6
Ladini, Riccardo: Paper Session A-8, Paper Session J-2
Lajevardi, Nazita: Paper Session C-9
Lamm, Erin: Paper Session F-3
Larsen, Kallan: Paper Session B-4
Larsen, Kent: Paper Session F-7
Lassiter, Jonathan: Paper Session I-4
Lauve-Moon, Katie: Paper Session B-6
Lauve-Moon, Tim: Paper Session B-6, Paper Session D-4
Lawton, Amy: Paper Session C-12, Paper Session E-4, Paper Session G-5
Leavitt, Peter: Paper Session D-5
Lecaros, Véronique: Paper Session A-6
Lee, Jane Bo-Hyeong: Paper Session D-13
Leukert, Aimee: Paper Session C-1
Lewis, Andrew: Paper Session D-10, Paper Session F-5
Lewis, Jonathan: Paper Session H-11
Li, Rebecca S.K.: Paper Session A-2
Li, Ruiqian: Paper Session A-7, Paper Session J-4
Li, Yuanfei: Paper Session I-5
Lim, Chaeyoon: Paper Session C-10
Lindgren, Tomas: Paper Session F-2, Paper Session G-5
Little Edwards, Korie: Paper Session E-13
Liu, Gengyu: Paper Session B-4
Lizardy-Hajbi, Kristina: Paper Session E-9, Paper Session H-8
Locke, Oliver: Paper Session H-12
Long, Katelyn: Paper Session I-13
Lóránd, Dr. Ujházi: Paper Session D-1
Loveland, Matthew T.: Paper Session J-9
Łowicki, Paweł: Paper Session F-5
Lucenti, Maria: Paper Session B-8
Luijkx, Ruud: Paper Session D-9
Luo, Lang: Paper Session I-3
Mabute-Louie, Bianca: Paper Session A-1, Paper Session F-4
Machtinger, Yael: Paper Session A-9
MacKenzie, C. James: Paper Session B-5
MacMillen, Sarah Louise: Paper Session J-9
Magarao Ribeiro, Pedro: Paper Session F-4
Magin, Zachary: Paper Session B-3
Majid, Iymon: Paper Session H-1
Majola, Sibongile: Paper Session J-3
Majumdar, Samirah: Paper Session B-9
Malan, Rebecca: Paper Session C-4
Maleki, Ammar: Paper Session D-12, Paper Session E-1
Malone, Joanna: Paper Session B-8
Manglos-Weber, Nicolette: Paper Session F-10
Manning, Andrea: Paper Session F-4
Maranges, Heather: Paper Session B-3
Marti, Gerardo: Paper Session A-12
Martí, Gerardo: Paper Session C-7
Martinez, Brandon C.: Paper Session D-1
Martinez-Schuldt, Ricardo: Paper Session B-12
Masondo, Sibusiso: Paper Session D-7
Matthews, Alyssa: Paper Session H-6
May, Jonathan: Paper Session B-6, Paper Session H-5
Mayrl, Damon: Paper Session F-15
McAlister, Elizabeth: Paper Session I-8
McAndrew, Siobahn: Paper Session A-8
McAndrew, Siobhan: Paper Session A-8
McBride, Duane: Paper Session B-14, Paper Session D-8, Paper Session G-8
McCarthy, Angela: Paper Session H-5
McClearn, Duane: Paper Session F-8
McClure Haraway, Jennifer: Paper Session C-2
McDaniel, Eric: Paper Session C-9
McDermott, Ryon: Paper Session B-3
McDowell, Amy: Paper Session D-10
McIntosh, Daniel: Paper Session F-9
McKinney, Jennifer: Paper Session A-12
McNamara, Patrick: Paper Session G-3
Mealey, Scott: Paper Session I-7
Mehegan, Laura: Paper Session E-2
Menasco, Melissa: Paper Session E-7
Messick, Kyle: Paper Session B-2
Miao, Kenny: Paper Session A-8
Mikoski, Charissa: Graduate Student Session-, Paper Session C-12, Paper Session I-13
Miles, Carrie: Paper Session A-7, Paper Session B-10
Millar, Elizabeth: Paper Session I-7
Miller, Brian J.: Paper Session B-12
Miller, Chris: Paper Session E-2
Mischke, Kelsey: Paper Session G-7
Mitchell, Emma: Paper Session H-13
Mlenga, Joyce: Paper Session A-2
Moaddel, Mansoor: Paper Session J-3
Mockabee, Stephen: Paper Session J-5
Moffitt, Andrew: Paper Session F-5
Mohamed, Besheer: Paper Session B-7, Paper Session D-12, Paper Session E-15, Paper Session G-9, RRA H. Paul Douglass Lecture:-
Molteni, Francesco: Paper Session A-8
Moran, Lynette: Paper Session E-10, Paper Session F-11
Morris, Trevor: Paper Session B-2
Morse, Jeremy: Paper Session G-7
Mulder, Mark: Paper Session A-12, Paper Session C-7
Murat Elmacıoğlu, Fatma: Paper Session J-12
Murphy, Joel: Paper Session H-12
Murphy, Thomas: Paper Session B-10, Paper Session G-13, Paper Session H-15, Paper Session I-12, Paper Session J-10
Musoni, Phillip: Paper Session D-7
Mustafa, Anum: Paper Session C-8
Napior, Amanda: Paper Session J-11
Neiheisel, Jacob: Paper Session F-5
Nkonde, Mutale: Paper Session F-2
Norton, Allison: Paper Session H-8
Norton, Allison L.: Paper Session C-12, Paper Session H-8
Noy, Shiri: Paper Session C-11
Nwobia, Uchechi Herbert: Paper Session A-4
Nyhof, Melanie: Paper Session F-9, Paper Session H-3
Nynas, Peter: Paper Session C-6
O'Brien, Timothy L.: Paper Session C-11
Ogawa, Yukan: Paper Session E-2
Ogera, Okelloh: Paper Session G-6
Ogunajo, Busayo: Paper Session D-1
Okuwobi, Oneya Fennell: Paper Session A-1
Omezue-Nnali, Eberechukwu: Paper Session E-11
Önal Aytac, Zeynep: Paper Session J-12
Oxhandler, Holly: Paper Session D-11
Oyakawa, Michelle: Paper Session A-15, Paper Session G-6
Oyoyo, Udochukwu: Paper Session H-10
Pait, Kathleen: Paper Session F-5
Palitsky, Roman: Paper Session D-5
Palmer, Jason: Paper Session I-12, Paper Session J-10
Palomo, Johannah: Paper Session E-3
Parish, Corey: Paper Session D-8
Park, Crystal: Paper Session B-3, Paper Session J-8
Park, Jerry: Paper Session C-7, RRA H. Paul Douglass Lecture:-
Park, Shinyoung: Paper Session D-9
Parker, Ryan: Paper Session E-8
Payne, Sean: Paper Session F-1
Peach, Becca: Paper Session E-3
Peña-Camprubí, Gergo: Paper Session H-8
Pena-Camprubi, Grego: Paper Session F-1
Pence, David Evan: Paper Session E-12
Perez, Rachel: Paper Session B-2
Perl, Paul: Paper Session C-6
Perry, Samuel: Paper Session G-15
Petersen, Hannah: Paper Session G-5
Peterson, Riley: Paper Session A-14
Pham, Khanh: Paper Session I-4
Phan, Peter C.: Paper Session C-13
Philips, Miray: Paper Session A-10, Paper Session B-9, Paper Session D-14
Phillips, Bruce A: Paper Session I-10
Phillips, Kaitlyn: Paper Session B-6
Phillips, Nichole R.: Paper Session A-1, Paper Session F-12
Phillips, Russell: Paper Session G-3
Pinker, Edieal: Paper Session B-13
Platt, Liz: Paper Session C-9
Pogorelc, Anthony: Paper Session F-13
Polson, Edward: Paper Session D-11
Potz, Maciej: Paper Session E-11
Pratt, Tia Noelle: Paper Session B-12, Paper Session F-13, Paper Session I-9
Price, Daniel: Paper Session F-11
Proeschold-Bell, Rae Jean: Paper Session D-13
Quezada, Enrique: Paper Session F-4
Rab, Fayzan: Paper Session D-5
Rahman, Wali: Paper Session A-3
Rahmani, Masoumeh Sara: Paper Session C-14
Raider, Rachel: Paper Session G-3
Rainero, Valeria: Paper Session D-9
Rainville, Gerard: Paper Session E-2
Ramirez, Michelle: Paper Session I-2
Randan, Piter: Paper Session H-3
Rapheal, Ojo: Paper Session B-4, Paper Session I-5
Rawlings, Craig: Paper Session F-10
Remsburg, Taylor: Paper Session A-11
Resweber, Corey: Paper Session J-4
Reynolds, Amy: Paper Session A-13
Reynolds, Robert: Paper Session I-5
Ribovich, Leslie Beth: Paper Session F-15
Richardson, James T.: Paper Session J-7
Ricucci, Roberta: Paper Session I-14
Riess, Jana: Paper Session G-13
Rivera, Craig: Paper Session H-2
Rodríguez-González, Martiño: Paper Session B-3
Rogers, Richard: Paper Session A-4
Rosales, Isabela Leonor: Paper Session H-8
Ross, Nancy: Paper Session F-7
Rowe, Jonathan: Paper Session D-11
Royston, Jashalund: Paper Session H-6
Russell, Taylor: Paper Session B-12
Ryan, Michael: Paper Session H-5, Paper Session I-1
Ryan, Peter: Paper Session B-12
Sabriseilabi, Soheil: Paper Session E-8
Sachs, William: Paper Session F-14
Sadequee, Sharmin: Paper Session I-5
Saiya, Nilay: Paper Session H-1
Salazar, Esmeralda Sánchez: Paper Session C-11
San Nicolas, John: Paper Session B-14
Sanchez Salazar, Esmeralda: RRA H. Paul Douglass Lecture:-
Sandage, Kristen R. Hydinger, and Sarah A. Crabtree, Laura B. Stein, Judith Gerstenblith, Steven J.: Paper Session F-10
Sandage, Steven: Paper Session H-7
Sands, Levi: Paper Session J-2
Schade, Leah: Paper Session C-5, Paper Session D-6, Paper Session F-3
Scheitle, Christopher: Paper Session A-11, Paper Session E-14
Scheopner Torres, Aubrey Scheopner Torres: Paper Session F-1
Schnabel, Landon: Paper Session C-10, Paper Session D-12
Schoen, David: Paper Session B-12
Schutt, William: Paper Session F-5
Schwadel, Philip: Paper Session C-14
Scott, Marquisha: Paper Session D-6
Seabright, Paul: Paper Session G-14
Seigler, Carolina: Paper Session C-3
Sellers, Kathleen: Paper Session E-9, Paper Session G-7
Seto, Christopher: Paper Session C-3, Paper Session G-9
Sharma, Lucas: Paper Session F-13, Paper Session I-9
Shattuck, Eric: Paper Session I-1
Shaver, John: Paper Session A-14, Paper Session B-13
Sheikh, Christine: Paper Session F-14, Paper Session I-14
Shelton, Jason: Paper Session E-13, Paper Session F-12
Shenk, Mary: Paper Session A-14, Paper Session B-13
Sherkat, Darren: Paper Session H-5
Shetler, Anna: Paper Session B-13
Shults, F. LeRon: Paper Session D-15
Shultz, Nina: Paper Session F-6
Shypulski, Eydie: Paper Session C-5
Sikkink, David: Paper Session G-2
Silhol, Guillaume: Paper Session B-8
Silver, Christopher: Paper Session B-2
Silverstein, Merril: Paper Session B-7
Simper, Cyrus: Paper Session G-13, Paper Session I-12
Singletary, Jennifer: Paper Session I-4
Sirois, Élisabeth: Paper Session E-1
Smith, Alena: Paper Session J-2
Smith, Greg: Paper Session D-12
Smith, Jesse: Paper Session E-14, Paper Session H-5
Smith, Jesse M.: Paper Session E-14
Snell Herzog, Patricia: Paper Session C-10
Son, Injae: Paper Session G-8, Paper Session H-10
Sosis, Richard: Paper Session A-14
Spake, Laure: Paper Session B-13
Stace, April: Paper Session E-10
Stachowska, Ewa: Paper Session I-11
Stargel, Bec: Paper Session F-10
Starman, Tess: Paper Session E-10
Steel, Simanjit: Paper Session I-1
Stein, Cantor Laura: Paper Session H-7
Stein, Rachel: Paper Session A-11
Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony: Paper Session H-14
Stewart, Evan: Paper Session C-14, SSSR Presidential Panel:-
Stewart-Ginsburg, Jared: Paper Session D-8
Stiles, Erin: Paper Session I-12, Paper Session J-10
Stolz, Jörg: Paper Session C-6
Stonawski, Marcin: Paper Session D-15
Stone, Lyman: Paper Session A-14
Strhan, Anna: Paper Session B-8, SSSR Presidential Panel:-
Stroope, Samuel: Paper Session A-7
Strumos, Lauren: Paper Session J-8
Su, Jian: Paper Session G-6
Suehr, Christopher: Paper Session I-11
Sun, Anna: SSSR Presidential Panel:-
Sylvester, Ogbeni: Paper Session B-14
Symons, Theresa: Paper Session A-13
Tagayuna, Arlie: Paper Session H-8, Paper Session I-13
Takase, Akinori: Paper Session E-2
Talabi, Oluwatomisin: Paper Session I-5
Tamimi Arab, Pooyan: Paper Session D-12, Paper Session E-1
Tariq, Sabeena: Paper Session E-8
Taru, Josiah: Paper Session E-2
Tejedo, Joel: Paper Session F-3
Tervo-Niemela, Kati: Paper Session D-2, Paper Session E-7, Paper Session H-6, Paper Session J-8
Tevington, Patricia: Paper Session E-11, Paper Session G-11
Tezcur, Gunes Murat: Paper Session D-14
The, Christopher: Paper Session E-9, Paper Session F-10, Paper Session G-7, Paper Session H-12, Paper Session I-7
Thiessen, Joel: Paper Session E-14, Paper Session H-13
Thomas, Sean: Paper Session J-9
Thomas, Taylor: Paper Session H-3
Thompson, Jenna: Paper Session C-4
Thompson, Wayne: Paper Session D-6, Paper Session F-3
Thomson, Julianna: Paper Session J-2
Thornton, Jill: Paper Session G-4
Thorsen, Jakob: Paper Session B-5
Thumma, Scott: Paper Session A-12, Paper Session E-12, Paper Session I-13
Tokarz, Julia: Paper Session F-5
Townsend Gilkes, Cheryl: Paper Session H-14
Trammell, Jim: Paper Session I-11
Traunmueller, Richard: Paper Session I-3
Trecartin, Shannon: Paper Session D-8, Paper Session G-8
Trexler, Eric: Paper Session D-13
Trim, David: Paper Session D-8
Tsai, En-Ya: Paper Session E-5
Tueme, Nabil: Paper Session F-11
Udofia, Indhira: Paper Session F-9
Uecker, Jeremy: Paper Session A-14
Upenieks, Laura: Paper Session C-3, Paper Session E-8
Vaidyanathan, Brandon: Paper Session C-13, Paper Session E-4, Paper Session I-13
Valero, Jesus: Paper Session J-4
Varghese, Binu: Paper Session I-1
Vaught, Sabina: Paper Session J-11
Vega, Sujey: Paper Session J-10
Vegter, Dr. Abigail: Paper Session A-13
Veldman, Robin: Paper Session C-8
Verghese, Ajay: Paper Session A-7
Voas, David: Paper Session D-15, Paper Session E-14, Paper Session G-15, Paper Session H-3
Voelz, Richard: Paper Session C-5
Wabyanga, Robert Kuloba: Paper Session G-3
Wang, David: Paper Session G-7, Paper Session H-7
Watson Chapman, James: Paper Session C-2
Watson, James: Paper Session I-7
Watts, C. Brittany: Paper Session H-8
Watts, Galen: Paper Session E-1
Weaver-Swartz, Lisa: Paper Session G-1
Wetzel, Dominic: Paper Session J-9
Whitney, Lawrence A.: Paper Session J-1
Wiggins, Jonathon: Paper Session G-11, Paper Session H-13
Wildman, Wesley J.: Paper Session C-10, Paper Session D-15, Paper Session J-4
Wilkins-Laflamme, Sarah: Paper Session E-1, Paper Session J-8
Williams, Rhys: Paper Session H-14
Williams, Roman: Paper Session F-14
Wilson Harper, Amanda: Paper Session D-6, Paper Session F-3
Wilt, Joshua: Paper Session B-3, Paper Session F-5
Winchester, Dan: Paper Session B-15
Winchester, Daniel: Paper Session D-7
Wong, Wing: Paper Session I-7
Woods, Jeff: Paper Session B-14, Paper Session H-10
Wright, Jeff: Paper Session F-8
Wright, Stuart A.: Paper Session J-7
Xu, Xiaohe: Paper Session I-1
Yadav, Vineeta: Paper Session D-14
Yang, Fenggang: Paper Session A-7, Paper Session B-11
Yosua-Davis, Benjamin: Paper Session D-6
Zamușinski, Alexandr: Paper Session E-1
Zhang, Cynthia: Paper Session C-8
Zhao, Han: Paper Session C-8
Zhou, Dao: Paper Session H-1
Zhou, Shuai: Paper Session B-13
Zimmer, Miriam: Paper Session A-2, Paper Session H-13
Zrinscak, Sinisa: Paper Session C-6
Zurlo, Gina: Paper Session B-9, Paper Session C-8